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So funny

The coolest thing about this was how you had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next. I mean, I don't mean to spoil it, but was there anyone who thought a plane would fall out of the sky? It's great how everything just fits together so well. I guess none of the characters got their wishes. I hope you do well in this contest because it's a good enough entry to win it! The animation was okay, but the humor was so good I did not really care. Your comments remind me of how I got a new job recently, albeit not a full time one.

I had no idea why the plane exploded again at the end, but it was funny. While the animation was not great, you seem to be good with transition effects. The characters just move in a good pace. I think we have all met people who are like the kinds that show up in this cartoon. I hope you get your wish of winning this thing!

Quite deep

It seems like you should have put more animation into this story. It is just more like something that would be better up on a blog or some website about horror stories. Still, I can not blame you because you did manage to throw in some good visuals while telling a story. The best bit of animation is at the end when you see the skeleton through his body. It's not much, but it actually does show that you have artistic talent. The music was also really good in this.

You do know how to create a good atmosphere as it was certainly creepy. As for the story itself, it was fairly good even if it was a bit too typical. The strongest part of it is probably the wording. You know how to talk colorfully and put detail into your work. One thing that I was always taught in writing class was how important it was to show rather than tell.

Dr. Shroud is back!

It had been such a long time since the original series came out, I had no idea it would ever come back! This cartoon is really amazing because it has such fantastic animation. The only downside was that there was so much going on that I was really confused. Of course, that's never stopped me from liking a submission before! Dr. Shroud just looks so awesome with his design. I feel as though it was some recursive cartoon because they kept showing the same images over and over.

Even when Wendy and Dr. Shroud are running, it's great to watch because of how well their body movements are! You also really get into Dr. Shroud as a character. Despite the name, I don't think there were any skeletons. This of course refered to the notion of skeletons in the closet with the title character. No idea what's going on, but great to look at.

Nicely done

It is interesting when people submit flashes that are simply what life used to be. I think this is a pretty realistic interpretation of the cretaceous period. Of course, it's been forever since I read about that stuff so I do not know if this is accurate. What is cool is that you manage to put such good designs on the creatures. As for the subtext, maybe it was something about Isreali-Palestinian relationships? That's been going on for so long it could be applied to really anything, you know.

The animation was fairly good, but it does seem a bit old by modern standards. The best part was how you tried to get rid of any bullcrap and just went for the nitty-gritty dinosaur story. No talking dinosaurs, no crazy effects, just authentic stuff. I was disappointed it did not go on longer. When I was a kid, I was just the biggest fan of dinosaurs there ever was.

Among the best!

While it could have had some more action, this was simply a great thing to watch besides that! I had absolutely no idea there even existed such fantastic imagery in 2004! I have no idea in the least why this did not win a single award of any kind! I am glad I was able to unearth this well done movie! I know little about Star Fox as I have never played it, but you have done the series good. I can see how flash animation itself has transformed a lot since the mid-2000's.

Star Fox himself is just gorgeous to look at! I wonder how hot Krystal would look in animation like this (just joking, lol). The sound effects and everything else were synched well and this should please any fan of the game series or flash animation in general. I guess this was something that was never finished, as Spring 2004 was past this date anyway. It's a great underappreciated work.

Very nice!

It was just so unexpected when the giant brother showed up, I thought that was a little too weird. Apart from that, it was pretty much perfect. The best thing about it was how good the animation was with the killing and everything. The coolest part was probably when they were on the building and he was just shooting the flying stick figures coming at him. It makes no sense, but dang is it cool! Each stick seemed to have a different color scheme and it's like you rarely see that in stick flashes.

It just goes to show you how these will never die. Too bad the guy who made cartoons making fun of them did die you know (but he wasn't against them). The music was nice and appropriate. This was extremely unpredictable too. The artwork in the background and even the weapons was nicely done as well. You guys make a good team.

IaMI2002 responds:

Thanks Ericho! I'm glad you liked the killing and everything. Good Suggestions and comment on the film. I'll keep these in mind!

Very funny

This started out kind of slow, but definitley got better as it went on. The funniest part was easily at the end when he said that laziness keeps their family together. For something rather mundane, it's still fairly well done. I like how his wife actually seems to be a female version of himself. It's like they were made for each other, because they are equally annoying and dsyfunctional. I do not remember the audio advertising your website at the end.

I would love to see what their kids look like and have them interact in another episode. I keep thinking that MOOLT stands for something with how it is. I would know that it would be very annoying to not know where a computer suddenly went. I have actually moved my monitor a few times. It's a funny idea to find it in a drawer.

Not terrible

This was alright to watch, but it did not really have that many things that were good about it. The thing that works and doesn't work with this is that there's really nothing good or bad about it. The sound is pretty good, but not much else. It seems like you could use a background put onto this. I know that you do not have to have the most complicated animation to make it good, but there should have been more action. It is funny to see a girl get eaten by a monster.

It looks like you may be getting better all the time. I suggest you work on having more jokes and perhaps add some color or make more of a final punchline. Short things like this can work, but they need to be more different. Of all the tens of thousands of flashes out here, you need something special to stand out. Not bad, but not good either.

VenturaTV responds:

Well this is that type of movie I made in under a day a t 2:00 in the morning because it just poped in my head as a day dream while playing call of duty black ops it was colored and a background but it just looked like crap so I had no color or background and liked the way it looked it's not the funniest flash I ever made but it was longer and funnier than my first one

Quite inspiring

People are always going to come up with new and original Madness tributes. The best thing about this is how good the character designs are. The best definitley belongs to the main enemy he fights at the end with the red visor. It was funny to see its armor being taken off and it is revealed to be a guy with a face! That has to be the longest epilogue I have seen in a cartoon in proportion to the rest of its length. I could not understand the chalky scenes, but they were certainly cool.

It seems like you could have just put the whole thing in one bit without the dialogue. The red words at the beginning on the screen say "WARNING!". I looked at some of the posters and one of them has a guy with the captain "WANTED: Extremely dead". I think another has a picture of a cat saying, "WANTED: On fire". It's weird how he has blue blood.

tomtyke responds:

if you look very carefully, i did put a little bit of humour in there, nice and tidy so it's hard to spot, read what the password is during the note section ;D

How nice

I was thinking it was going to cut to Count Vile drawing the thing. A pity he had to kill his turtle assistant while he was destroying the Earth. I guess I forgot this was April Fool's Day because I didn't expect it until the end! Well, in that sense, at least I managed to get a true prank for myself. I did not understand this at first, because I knew you guys were out promoting the second "Press Start" movie, but now I understand the joke. For something so cheesily animated, it was fun to watch.

It makes me wonder if you really are going to start with new animation. The cheesiness of the old kind reminded me of the type "South Park" has. This was even closer to SP animation than the other kinds were. It's fun to see Count Vile act so giddy and I think he did animate this. I hope you do well with the movie!

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