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More great stuff from you!

It is always great to see new stuff from truly impressive people. I would have to give this a high rating simply because the animation is just spectacular. I could not understand the story (if there even was one) but it was just gorgeous to look at. The character designs are all original and colorful in every sense of the word. I would have liked it if there had been more of a song with dialogue, but still great. You manage to give these characters a lot of depth and purpose despite being a short video.

Looks good

It wasn't one of the best trailers I have seen, but it is interesting. There seem to be so many robotic Sonics out there, it's cool to have a bunch in the same place. I haven't done a review in awhile, so let me just say that it's great to be back! The animation is very nice and it was all really authentic and loyal to the original Sonic games. It would have been nicer if there were characters like Knuckles around. Still, this definitley has potential and you are the kind of author you could do something great with this idea.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I remember thinking how great the original was, and this certainly did not disappoint at all! While not as good, it had a lot of really great surreal stuff. It was awesome how this was dedicated to your real life fiancee, Danielle! I hope you have a great marriage that is as adventerous and outgoing as this cool flash is. While I know cows have been associated with aliens before, it's still great to see how nice they look here. The little purple alien and the crazy cat were also really nice touches too.

It really got better!

At first I was asking why he wanted to kill himself, when he could have just killed himself in the future, but I am just being nitpicky. There were a lot of great jokes, especially the one about him getting cancer because of that laser thing. The Superguy bit with the guy being only killed by a laser was great as well. It looked like it was turning into a YouTube Poop at one point, but it was just something wrong with the design. You really never stop coming up with new and crazy ideas. The animation is as good as ever too.

Quit grabbing my wood!

The animation was nice and some of the punchlines were pretty funny. I just have to say that this is one of the most random premises I have ever heard. Why is this character a genie? It would have worked just as well if he was a regular guy or a talking aadvark or hot dog or whatever. I guess that was part of the joke, that the supernatural element was so pointless, so I am sorry if I did not get it. I would suggest you put in some more punchlines and some more interesting conversation.

You are welcome

I knew that was Rina-chan doing Annie's voice! Anyway, I really liked how this was simply one of the cutest things I had ever seen. What matters is that it worked really well as a slice of life story. I have not seen the first one so it is a little difficult to understand exactly what is going on, but it is still great. For its length, it never lets up at all and it have much dialogue but still manages to set character development for its characters. The animation was flawless, especially the use of crayon coloring in some sequences.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well, you don't actually need to have watched the first part, as that's included in this. The first, like, five minutes of this actually is part 1. I included it because I wanted people to be able to see the entire animation as it was meant to be seen. I'm glad you enjoyed it though, man!

Lucky day

This was one lucky day to submit flash as nearly every award winner got a very high rating! I kept hearing about "Warhammer 40K" on the Internet, but knew little about it. It is interesting to be familiar with the series, even if it's just in the form of a parody. This had a lot of good moments, especially with how the happy ending came so abruptly (there should be more of those!). the animation and character designs were really nice too. It is interesting to learn more about a popular game series.

More funny stuff!

It is interesting to see what will develop in these usually silent cartoons (in terms of the characters). It seems like every cartoon is automatically being played over. I thought the funniest part was when they talked about getting into the black box. I never noticed that about stewardesses, but it certainly makes sense. The blue color was everywhere, but it still made way for some good animation like when everyone was pressing their faces against the windows. It helps that it is simply overall funny.

Nice and dark

This was a great flash cartoon, although I admit I was a little mad how it had the title "Super Smash" when it had nothing to do with "Super Smash Bros". At least it was great to see the characters in such an awesome style. I really liked how the characters moved so gracefully and everything. There have been so many things done with the Mario characters, it seems impossible to find original stuff for them, but you did it! I thought it was especially funny how Mario just tossed the princess away. I also like the Toad character.

It's an okay test

I do not know if you have read the rules, but it's considered common courtesy to not just put in tests here. Of course, I made something with a much lower score, so I am not one to talk. These do seem to be pretty interesting designs! I don't think I have ever heard of anyone use a SSj Bardock before! You managed to mash up some really cool characters together in this at least. It just needs a background and some music, but then again it is just a test.

alafraga responds:

Thank you!
SSJ bardock is not real! It is awesome to animate with a fake character. Thanks for putting up the PROS and not the CONS.
That is all i want.
Not saying I want to know if it is awesome and epic, you know what i mean.

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