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Lots of faces!

I really should have thought you would have the names of the people written down as they are shown instead of showing them at the end. I mean, it's hard to keep up with everybody there. It was of course nice to see all of the website's most popular users looking really silly. I admit it was really cool how you managed to get so many people to do this! As for the song, I haven't heard it before and it is a pretty good song. I just wish there could have been more action or something.

It was okay

I like this sort of, simply because it's so easy to look at. It's the kind of thing where you don't need to listen to the sound (although the sound is pretty funny). I noticed how the toilet doesn't seem to have a toilet tank on it. Toilet humor can be funny, but it would have been a lot nicer if it had been more than just a few frames. You still managed to make this probably the most fun I had with a loop this short. The characters are all drawn pretty authentically to the style of "Madness Combat".

It was nice

I'm not the biggest fan of this game (in fact, I don't think I'd heard it before) but it was well done. This didn't even have anything fancy simply because it just didn't need to and it works well in its simplicity. I'm glad I was able to watch this. The animation could probably use some work, as it does look kind of bland. I thought the guy who was taking his clothes off was going to have sex with the woman! It's a soft take on what is considered to be regular life.

Vitty responds:

Thank you!

Two thousandth review!

It is quite nice to have you back, especially in the field of making movies. I thought it was particularly profound as a really artsy thing as I really liked the colored outlines. I am also very happy to report that I am now lucky to give you my two-thousandth review! While it might not mean much for you, it's great for me. The song wasn't too bad, and it was pretty appropriate. My biggest complaint is that it was in fact a little too long, but it still comes off as being pretty artsy.

Another great one!

This isn't great just because of the punchline, but because it's set up so well. I was impressed at how it seemed to get just the right kind of time to talk about that. It sounded like he was peeing on a baby or something in the room! As you might have expected, the animation is as good as ever, quite sophisticated for a short comedic flash. I congradulate on all of the success you have gotten with your work. I like how the other guy just sits there and eats his ramen (or soup?).

How did you make that?

I am as glad as anyone else that the Clock Crew exists, and that Clock Day exists. This did in fact look like it took more effort to make than StrawberryClock's "B". It was pretty creative to show muscular StrawberryClock with a mustache. Being only one screen, it is quite difficult to find anything that I would recommend to anyone. I guess it has significance, but on its own, it's really nothing special. I guess it was nice to do a tribute and you do not just have an okay score, but a great one!

masamu responds:

yeah,I wrote this a long time ago,but think of the fact that SBC started the same way


I haven't heard of this series before (whatever it is), but I'm glad to be introduced to it! It seems like you have yet to develop much of a story, but it's great in this form! The sprite work and designs are very creative and well done. The action is really fastpaced, as it reminds me of something from the "Super Mario Bros. Z" series. My only complaint is that it did seem to be a bit too short. It is definitley something that could develop into a great series that would land front page and awards.

The anus!

I think this was pretty good, if not some of the best stuff I have seen from you. I guess it really doesn't help that I don't know much about the game you're parodying. I still can appreciate the jokes for being funny, especially how he just stabbed the spider. I'm starting to think that lower red arrow in the beginning looks phallic. The scene after the inital credits was also a nice little treat. While not one of my favorite authors, you have contributed a lot to this website.

Three languages?!

I think this is one of your better entries, simply because of how creative it is. I guess I'm not the biggest fan of stuff that's brief, but it gives you time to appreciate the work put into it. The animation was as great as ever, and it was pretty funny to hear that statistic. I just thought it was amazing when this had Chinese, English, and Spanish in one flash! I've done my research and those are in fact the three most spoken languages in the world! You have done a lot with a clever joke.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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