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It's simply fantastic you were bold enough to make something really great involving "Pokemon". At first, I was going to think you hated the anime, but you apparently don't! I've gone on places like YouTube and Deviantart and found that "Pokemon" is indeed very popular, so there is nothing to be ashamed of, my friend!

The flash itself, probably due to the fact that it had some of the best music scores I've heard in a cartoon! The animation wasn't perfect, but was good, especially how Steelix popped out of the ground. The epicness of it was simply unbelievably intense, and I love you for making this!

Tyrant-D responds:

Thanks for the review! honestly im not ashamed of making a flash involving pokemon, even though I'm 21. its the fact that I hear alot of fools go "pokemon is gay" or "lets kill pikachu" really! i say why say it? saying that just makes you immature. so i briefly explain that in the submission description.

Great stuff!

Of all the Castle Crashers stuff, I think this may in fact be the best of its kind I have ever seen! The animation was simply gorgeous and I liked how it seemed to switch styles, especially with the ice guy. The guys dressed as Eskimos kind of looked like they had swastikas on their faces. Orange is in fact my favorite color, so it's really cool to see the orange guy in action. Santa showing up to give him a 1up was simply priceless. It was so funny when he got a copy of the game and sounded like he took a dump.

That is experimental

I thought this was going to be a parody of "Gangstas Paradise" because of the name. I am in fact a big fan of surreal and crazy stuff, so this was very fun to watch. It was cool how I was trying to dechiper the words being said. It was weird how the sound didn't come in until later (was that just a glitch on my computer?) and I thought there was something wrong with my headphones. The one thing that sticks out most vividly in my mind is the beach scene. There certainly seemed to be a lot of work put into this.

The pen looked like a penis

I could have sworn this was something made by Zeurel at first, due to the fact that he made a flash using this song and it had furry people. I thought it was really neat how this still managed to be good in its own right. It's nice you were able to put a story together that fit the song well. I'm not even sure why a fox wouldn't want to be colored in the first place. It's an original idea and I'm glad you have achieved recogntion for it. The backgrounds, if not the most detailed, were also very nice.

Very creative!

It's funny, because I was watching this and I was getting pretty angry that they were making fun of the World Trade Center. The weird thing is, the stuff they are saying, is in fact very funny. I mean, it's an original idea; who ever thought of making toys in the shape of the World Trade Center? I mean, it was even nice enough of them to acknowledge that they were being insensitive. I could've sworn it was something from "Opie And Anthony" but apprently it isn't. The simplistic animation is always great.

Best (f)animutations!

I'm so glad to be a fan of your work and discover all of the stuff you've contributed here. Apart from this being one of the greatest songs of all time, it just has everything good in it. I especially loved the clip of the guy falling into the water. This was colorful in every sense of the word and in every scene there's something cool happening. The effects look cheesy at times, but they fit the silly atmosphere perfectly. It also happens to be one of the most original things I've seen with great ideas.

One of your best!

I'm not the biggest fan of teasers, but it was pure genius to not just show a teaser, but an entire movie with it! Looking back, it's easy to see why your Castle series is so popular, and some of my favorite stuff too. Both things had all the good animation and action you'd want from them. The music was also very cool, and it sounded like something from a German heavy metal band. You have truly shown that stick figures can be made into an art form and have their own style and characters. Even if it's pure action, it's still great.

What twists!

The animation was very impressive, and it's great to see so many people contributed to making it! It kind of reminded me of Appsro's stuff almost. It was great to see it being revealed he was actually playing with a joystick the whole time. But to not just reverse it, but show it was the girl on the milk carton is the ultimate foreshadowing! I was expecting him to ejaculate after saying "I'm coming!". This may have been short, but it really delivers its punchlines well.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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