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I was expecting there to be talking. Maybe I just wanted too much. That was much better than the actual Matrix Revolutions movie! To be fair, that scene in it was pretty good. I don't know why you named it like this. Well, it's still pretty cool!

The sounds are so authentic. I really do love them. I appreciate the good use of CGI. It's weird how that never caught on here. I certainly think this holds up!

I couldn't understand this. I actually have in fact heard of a farting cat before. All the cat did was fart. That was a lot more entertaining than this. I'm not sure which came first. It wasn't a cat screaming. It was a cat farting.

It was kind of funny to have all that text at the beginning. It set up how ridiculous it was. I at least liked to know the history. This is one of your lesser submissions. You've done far better ones.

I didn't think this was as good as most people thought. It was pretty cool to see this good sprite work. I'm not familiar with the old Monkey Island games. I wish there was more music. I guess I'm just used to stuff like Mortal Kombat Outtakes. They have a lot more music.

I think my favorite was probably Monoclops. I just loved the visuals in that one. The weakest was Zoiks, Wait! It wasn't much of a joke. I wasn't expecting them to be titled like that. Well, that certainly made it organized!

This was quite impressive! I really liked the voices. The best part is how snarky the bear is. The colors were really nice in this. The bear might have been a little too yellow. Well, this wasn't meant to be realistic.

I like how happy Sergio is. He really does just annoy the bear. At least it's not on the same level as something like "Charlie The Unicorn". Well, that is a lot more popular. The voices are funny too.

I ended up thinking this was just so so. It was pretty weird how it was just one thing happening. It didn't seem to be enough for a full submission. I still do like how good the animation is. It's really gorgeous! I just wish there could have been more going on.

I guess tomatoes are pretty funny. The Killer Tomatoes movies got obnoxious. The colors were very nice. You just needed to have more going on. I guess it reminds me of "Sausage Party".

It was really interesting to learn about this series. I actually have heard about the djini joke before. Well, maybe I could predict it. The animation was really good. I loved how some of these guys had actual voices. It just worked well for itself.

It was fun to see all these clocks together. They really do have distinct personalities. Bars obviously make for great jokes. My favorite was probably "Bartendher". Strange spelling of course.

Alright, I admit that wasn't that great. It was mostly just the same thing. I still like how this had the longest title of any submission I've seen! I know we set up a title limit at one point. We must have gotten rid of it. I'd recommend this if only because of that.

This just seems like a test. That's not that appropriate for this website. Still, the animation does look nice. I don't see what this has to do with blenders. You seem to have potential.

That was a lot of fun! Nana was easily the funniest thing here. I wasn't expecting she would be saved. Then again, she still seemed to lose her memory. I appreciate the good animation. It was great to hear Stephen Hawking reference that meme. He DOES sound like that voice.

I liked how the characters were all unique. The voices were quite funny too. Wow, you really seem to know a lot. Are these actual scientific questions and answers? You're a genius yourself, dude!

This was another decent cartoon. I admit it's not great. It comes off as disorganized. I still praise it for being unique. That was a pretty weird loading screen. I mean, it's not bad, it's just something I wouldn't expect in something like this.

It's easy to identify your work. I like the colors. While not as good as Knox, you are still just fine. The blood effect is pretty funny. Yeah, it probably could have been longer.

toxicbomb responds:

Thanks! Yeah, everything I did back then was hardly organized, pretty funny.

The method I used to take pics was pretty funny, I hooked up a second mouse I think, or maybe it was the main mouse and I did it all in one go, but I molded a big glob of clay around the mouse so it wouldn't move off the button on my computer that took the pictures, so when I was ready to take a picture I didn't have to grab the mouse and move it back to the button if it got bumped or something. :)

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