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Yeah, I admit this is one of your weakest cartoons. You abandoned sprites after awhile. This just doesn't add up to anything. I wish Alpha was credited. Are you still friends with him? I recognize your voice.

There needed to be more action. It was just a goofy little cartoon to bide time for TTA. It's a pity this has more views than most TTA episodes. Well, at least we can some drawn images. You've improved so much obviously.

I loved this! I'm truly impressed by the amazing animation. I especially love how detailed everything is. I'm starting to feel bad for not knowing all of these pokemon's names. Well, at least I'm not killing them like the Nostalgia Critic. It's just a beautiful cartoon.

The voice acting is absolutely flawless. It's so beautiful to look at. I may have heard of a concept like this before. Still, you executed it perfectly. The ending's really cool too. It makes no sense, but it's still awesome.

LevPo responds:

Thank you so much, Ericho! I really appreciate this.

That was great! I could tell you were influenced by TTA. That came out at this exact time, right? I loved the sprite work. I am truly surprised that the score isn't higher. The action was great!

It's weird watching this knowing that later they would make a Mega Man/Sonic crossover in Archie comics. Yeah, look that up! Of course, they met in "Super Smash Bros". Anyway, this is just a very fancy cartoon. The action is set up so well.

I admit it was cool to see where this started out. You really improved a lot with these cartoons. I found this to be pretty disappointing. The animation was easily the weakest point. It just looked way too basic. Well, it is your first.

Another sequel is out. I'm sure a lot more have seen that one! The music was alright. You needed shading effects. That's often a plus.

It was great to hear that music again! I probably should watch the new series. I liked seeing Krang at the end. I will admit that it could have been better animated. It did seem kind of cheap. Again, the music made it worth it.

It's very authentic to the original show. I'm not used to the TMNT name. Well, it is a lot shorter. A pity the title had a limit back then. It's still nice.

I thought this wasn't bad. It was basically just a single joke. I mean, the animation wasn't that good. I guess I shouldn't expect too much with stick figures. I admit that it was at least unpredictable. I guess the voices were fine.

It just needed more. The tune was pretty good. I could tell this guy was up to no good. Is there any stick cartoon that doesn't have violence? They would just be forgotten.

I noticed Red Mage lost 2004 points at one time, lol. I really didn't think this was that bad. I thought the animation was pretty good at times. Why is it called a "special edition"? You don't even seem to think it's very special yourself. I liked the cartoonish gags.

I will admit that the drawings with the people themselves isn't that good. It was at least watchable. I know your other stuff is infinitely better. It's nice to see a series gets better. I still wouldn't recommend it.

That was just Ash and Pikachu getting mauled. How can you live with yourself knowing you made fun of the most popular thing ever? I'm serious. Look how popular it is on other websites! Hell, it's still popular here! Well, this was still well animated.

Everyone loves pokemon. There didn't seem to be much point in this. People would have rather seen Togepi get mauled. I remember reading about this on the website Kirbopher started off. Wait, that's why I watched it at this exact same time!

The kid looks like Dodoria. Actually, Jeice and Burter were revived in "Dragonball GT". We just saw a bunch of villains fly away from Hell very briefly. Again, DBGT stupidity. Dang, Is That OK was the original over 9000. I'd like to see this again.

I always kind of thought Android 16 looked more like Recoome. I admit the animation here could be better. It still has some nice jokes. The voices could probably be a bit better too. "Dragonball Super" is much better.

I remember when Kirbopher reviewed this. I am such a huge fan of him I looked at all of his reviews. It's interesting to see a Mockery cartoon that isn't a collab with poxpower. I'm just so used to you two working together. The animation is great. Most of us have always wondered this.

I just I'm lucky I wasn't that good at the game. I think this is the most viewed Pac-Man cartoon here. The voice is just so funny. You should look up Billy Mitchell. He was technically the first one to "beat" it.

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