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"Another short one"? Dude, it's one of the most acclaimed cartoons on the whole episode! This is amazing! I appreciate the animation. I especially like the long neck of the guy. There was something about that bug.

I kept thinking there was a real bug on my screen! Was there? I think it would have been bigger. It's the little things that make it work. The music was great too. I just have to keep this a full score.

Another great cartoon from you! It's hard to believe you've stayed with us for over 15 years. The music was great too. I can always expect great stuff. The colors work so well too. I keep thinking if it's trying to tell a story.

This was pretty sexual for a cartoon from you. Then again, it's so weird it's hard to really describe anything. My favorite color's orange. Please do an orange themed cartoon. You use the negative space so well.

This was a good cartoon for you. I admit I couldn't really associate with it very well. I've never even had a sleepover. Lucky you! Another episode involving the supernatural? Dude, call James Randi.

I love that beginning. No, that never happened to me. Nor did it happen to anyone I know. Well, not that I heard anyone say it. Not into possession.

This was great, if only because it was about the virus. That deserves to have jokes made about it. Especially with how it affects the movie industry. The last movie I saw in a theater was "Sonic The Hedgehog". Boy, does that have a special place on him. The animation's great.

It's just a great quick cartoon. Please give us a Coronavirus section! James Bond was probably the best. Was that Michael Myers in the background? Maybe the Phantom of the Opera?

squeakytoad responds:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
Shouting "Doctor no!" in the background was Rami Malek's enigmatic masked character from the upcoming James Bond.

Hard to love something that short. The animation is gorgeous. Well, there's something gorgeous in it. I knew this would be short. The voice is great. It just doesn't have that much going on.

I'm glad it wasn't too NSFW. Well, you can tell that from the rating. I'm not into furries. Except Rouge. Dang, animate that.

You know, I did feel for her. You gave a good analysis of her character. I really did wonder what would happen to her. It's probably best you didn't show it. I wonder how she felt? You're so humble.

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not something will be popular. This does deserve it's popularity. It reminds me of a Creepypasta. Well, I guess any online story can be like that. I like how the title is in first person.

I saw Tom Fulp's name at the end. Still nothing compared to Mighty No. 9. I still wish ValhallaClub won Daily Feature. Well, I'm not here to complain. The animation was really funny. Dora was especially hilariously goofy looking.

The movie set like a record for biggest improvement from a TV show it was based on. Seriously, that really happened! Boots was great too. I don't know about the bucket. I don't watch the show, okay?

I was really impressed by this! The animation was absolutely amazing. My only complaint is that it did look a bit too weird at times. It was still quite nice to look at. It was just so creative. I had no idea what was going on.

I don't remember the other episodes. I probably did see them! My number of reviews is impossible to keep track of. The sounds were great too. It's just a really creative cartoon.

I remember seeing the first bit with the dots. I honestly thought the whole cartoon would be that! It's so refreshing to know that was just the beginning. At the end, at first I thought it was going to be an ugly woman, but it was a hot man! Hmmm, would that be better than an ugly woman?

I don't think I've ever seen a nose bleed that extreme before. We have a new Most Triumphant Example of that! Yeah, the hot women did make this look good. I really do feel sorry for this guy. Great how we have someone I can root for! What a diamond in the rough this is.

Wow, this had a rating of 4.91. I'm sorry to bring it down to 4.72. This just wasn't that great for me. I mean, it was too short. It was just Pico wandering around. The animation was pretty good.

Looks like we didn't have one this year. At least I unearthed something that had such a high rating. I guess it's fine for something really short. It's just not that great. Uh, Happy Pico Day 2014! Or 2020! (?)

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