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Oh boy, that was funny! It was just so great to see these funny characters together. The animation was amazing at well. I'm glad to have seen "Dragonball Super" as I recognize Freiza's golden form. I didn't see the new Brolly movie. Damn, how much Dragonball stuff do I have to keep up with?

I loved seeing Grounder too. Lythero's such a cool name. Maybe you didn't need iPhone jokes. It's still an amazing setup. Everyone moves so well.

Aww, if only you had submitted this on Madness Day! I mean, you make the highest rated Madness stuff here anyway. Yeah, I don't think that's an exaggeration. It's nice to see the Auditor. I noticed their faces are like crosses. Well, Jebus is a character.

Wait, is he Jesus or Jebus? I just think Jebus is a funnier name. Thank you for including those links. You still would have gotten something for Madness Day. Happy belated Madness Day, I guess.

GlitchArtTV responds:

This was not for madness day, I submitt art in that day :/
And is Jebus.

Wow, this was such a wonderful cartoon. I especially love how authentic it is. The best part might have been at the beginning when it showed the subtle music. I seriously couldn't tell if that was something happening in real life. It seemed like there was someone playing music in real life. Anything like that deserves a perfect score!

At 7:07, I noticed she had just one eye. The credits were also fantastic. I mean, they showed that this was truly done with love. The simple story it told was so wonderful! We get so many great cartoons it's sad when some can't get Daily Feature. It's kind of like just being lucky when you submit something.

LiteralHat responds:

Hi, your comment means a lot to me! Thank you.

You're the first person who has commented on the credits, they are one of the most exciting parts of doing projects like these. A jump into a different medium and a strength workout for my editing skills.

I did notice that the Daily Feature for video submissions are a bit luck based too, but it's fine.

This was good, but it was too short. I mean, I wanted to see this dude in action! At least I get to see him. This was nice and colorful. You really see how he has four fingers. Well, he's not even human.

I was just expecting more. I don't look at the running time of these cartoons. I didn't have enough time to look at it anyway. It's great for a test. I just didn't think it deserved Daily Feature.

This was good, but it did bother me. It was actually kind of disturbing to see Euline naked in the beginning so much. I liked the first because it came off as kid friendly. That was just very off to me. I mean, I still liked this. It had amazing voices and the characters played off each other nicely.

It just really destroyed my wholesome image of the first one. I still appreciated how great the animation was. The story is also developing nicely. These are nice characters I can associate with. Just don't use nudity.

cecameron responds:

Sorry to see you're disappointed. Wimp Witch is based off my existing webcomic, which was always for mature readers. Hence, why I put the disclaimer at the beginning of each episode. I wanted to create a whimsical fun adventure- for adults. There just seems to be a lack of it.

It's been a while since I've seen an Amongus cartoon. I'm so glad to have come by this! At first, I thought it would just be something really scary with the deep voice dissonance. Instead, it was something awesome that exceeded my expectations. The animation was fantastic. Maybe the song could have been catchier.

It was really the visuals that made this great. The lines were fantastic. There were almost different art styles with this. I'm glad you point out how you can see these guys everywhere. Well, the design isn't that unique. At 2:39, it almost looks like a Lego piece.

This ended up being more interesting than I thought. I especially appreciated how she changed clothes. I'm glad it wasn't just one or two pairs of clothes. The purple color was quite nice. You don't see purple cats often. The background was fairly good as well.

I wasn't expecting her to gain a third eye. It was certainly a great test. I could never submit anything in Flash this good. The "Meow" comment was great, but I'm glad you added more. It was kind of high resolution for sprites.

Was that Russell Brand? No, I think that's the guy from "Morbius". This was a very nice little cartoon. It mostly helps with the simplistic animation. You have some literally colorful characters here. It probably could have used more jokes.

It's still fine for something short. I noticed that dildo picture. Well, maybe that's the movie they accidentally went too. The simplistic title was nice. I guess it was a porno theater.

This was incredible! From the title, I knew it would be long as something like this would have to be split into two parts. I especially enjoyed seeing how the comedy just never stopped! It was just joke after joke after joke. The animation is so awesome. Even how you proclaim the characters' names at first is awesome.

I like how you do so much with a simple concept. I didn't know it could get so hot in the UK. I live in Florida, so I'm used to it. I thought the NM-8 would be some chemical that would turn someone into a monster or something. It turned out to just be oil. No, it really was a chemical that turned you into a monster!

I thought this was a good cartoon. There's no breakdancing cat here! Trust me, I know cats and there are none here. I didn't even know who Makoto is. Well, I probably would've recognized her. It was weird to see her so small while Elena was normal sized.

I mistook her for a guy at first. Most of the "Street Fighter" characters are far more sexualized. This was at least unique. It worked have worked better as a gif for the Art Portal. It's still watchable.

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