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Well, that was fairly fun. I appreciated the random changed audio. It did get annoying after a while. I liked this animation. I'm glad it wasn't too short. I liked those two guys at the beginning and end.

The yellow one kind of looked like a Lego piece. The dinosaur one was good too. Now that I think about it, Snap kind of looks like Billy the puppet. It could count as spam. It was still good.

I loved the short author's comments. I thought I had seen all the great Madness flashes. I'm glad there was one left! This has certainly been one of our best years. There probably could have been more killing here. Then again, it's timed very nicely.

You are actually quite creative with these kills. The enemies are pretty smart. I loved that tutorial explaining how they've evolved. The entire imitations have evolved over time. I just now noticed Krinkels' thumbnail shows his face!

This was so well animated! I had a feeling it would be something really short. It's still nice, just not great for me. Dang, everything's getting a high score lately. I should have seen that coming! The effects of Madness Day are still around.

Bunnies are pretty funny. Hey, that rhymes! He almost looked like a cat. I just love cats that much. I just noticed these stars are orange, my favorite color!

I was really impressed by this! I think my favorite part might have actually been the sound. It truly sounded like it was coming around you. I loved how he was called "Horsestepper". I mean, that would be a more appropriate name for it. I think there was only one f-word in this, so it wasn't that bad.

I loved when he was called Mr. Easter Bunny too. Damn, how many space cowboy buddy stuff is there nowadays on this website? The voices were well suiting too. It's easily the best thing I've seen or played here all day.

I was very impressed at how informative it was. It really was a Madness tutorial and not just a flash tutorial. I remember seeing some other tutorials on this website. This is easily one of the best. My favorite parts are when you get into the mythology of the series. I did always think of these guys as idiots.

I think they actually got better as the series went on. They were able to land a few bullets onto Hank. At that point, he had become too powerful for that to even weaken him. I loved you talking about the bullet cartridges. It's weird how people work to become realistic. The series exaggerates so many tropes, it's hard to look at it realistically.

Discord? You mean the guy from "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"? He never said this. I'm a big enough brony to know that. This was far too short. The song was at least original.

I know that song being used like this before. This was easily the worst cartoon this year. I don't think it should be taken down. Everyone should keep their old stuff around. We should be allowed to see everything.

Shinyfur responds:

You could say the same for the other animations on my YouTube channel. Plus, I will eventually hate it like my nsfw drawings.

I didn't think this was that great. It was wonderful to see a kill counter. There still wasn't much else. It was only a dozen kills. At least it wasn't too long. There was definitely some value to the CGI.

It looked great with the car at first. The characters just didn't look that good. It's great to see Hank specifically there! He hasn't been in many of these cartoons this year. It's certainly watchable.

I have to admit I was a tad disappointed by this. It looked well in terms of claymation, but still not quite that unique. I liked the plastic bottles held over the zombies. The music was alright. It was still something different for Madness Day. Their heads looked like marshmallows.

Marshmallows, that is what the original Madness cartoon was. I know it was all clay. Claynation's a word I've never heard before. A nation of clay people? That's like something Knox would make! It's a pity he retired.

duffosaur responds:

kind of want to make a stop motion with marshmellows now

Technically, it's the 20th year anniversary of Madness Combat. I thought Madness Day first came out in 2008? Anyway, this was still great. I'm reminded of those other short cartoons. This actually did have a fair amount of action. You got to see Tricky bite that one guy.

It's more action than a lot of those short cartoons! I would not want to be there. Well, this world seems a lot violent than most Madness flashes. It's nice to see the original characters here. I haven't seen guys like Tricky here that often.

I have to admit I wasn't that impressed by this trailer. Maybe it's because I'm not that much into FNF. This is still the first Madness Day 2022 submission I've seen related to it. Trailers can be longer. Well, this is still longer than some really short submissions. I'm glad you submitted it on the right day.

The characters sure look excellent. I'm sure it will be great. September 22nd wasn't a Friday, in case anyone's wondering. The chances are already 1 in 7! The animation still looks nice.

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