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Wow, that was so wonderful! This was 2009?! It looks way newer! I'm at least glad it was submitted here eventually. The animation is of course fantastic. I'm glad it wasn't cynical at all.

It was just a sweet cartoon from beginning to end. You could do more with this character and this world. Aww, so you were clearly inspired by Miyazaki. He has never made anything bad. This was just so adorable. I love that plant guy.

Wow, that was quite impressive. You told a lot in such a short time. Well, most stuff here is short anyway. It's still rather admirable. I like how you say you'll release all on platforms. The animation is gorgeous.

You're even setting up your own universe! That shows talent. It is hard to describe something so short. The use of colors is great too. It's just enjoyable.

Coutto responds:

Thanks a lot!!

This was quite fun. We all know what it's like to go through college. Well, not all of us. I didn't go into art school. I kind of wish I did. I understand what these people go through. I guess you maybe could have had more animation.

The minimalism still works. It's just so real. I did notice that weird sheep girl thing. It was kind of like "Creature Comforts". Years end for all of us.

Okay, that was um, odd. I mean, that's what it's supposed to be! I just thought it was really weird. I can still appreciate the creativity. I really had no idea what was going on. There was something with the Moon, I think?

I do remember something about an auction. I tried to pay attention to the dialogue. It didn't help much. Well, I have watched animutations. This was at least interesting.

I admit that I'm not very much into these cartoons. The best part was probably how it used the same zany stuff as always. I know that's not the point to have good animation. I see you, David Firth! Well, I don't know if those are real shapes. I'm too lazy to do the research.

We need whatever we can get in these times. I even like the title. It really isn't for me that much. At least most other people enjoy it. It's fine for something short, which most of the stuff here is.

Whaa--? What's with the low score? I loved this! I thought it was really interesting to see you guys deal with the virus. The animation was quite good. Please gives us a coronavirus section.

I mean, this is something everyone is dealing with now! Well, you did say it was made a long time ago. I still love it. I forgot all about Lock Day. Well, it's hard to keep track of all these holidays.

Hmm, that was...weird. I mean, the animation was gorgeous. At least it didn't show genitalia. Then again, it just seemed kind of dumb. I'm just not into porn. This didn't really seem to be a satire of "The Simpsons".

I've heard tons of complains about this show. It just seemed off. I will admit it gives a good message. Umm, I think. I appreciate what's going on.

Glad you mentioned the virus. Well, the game had nothing to do with it. I'm just glad you mentioned it. The music was great. I haven't seen a trailer here in a long time. I believe this is part of a series.

I admit it doesn't look that interesting. Well, you should never judge a book by its cover. It's fine for a short trailer. Seems like you haven't submitted anything here for awhile. Any idea can be done well.

Oh, for a second there I thought you were going to just be talking about leaves. I mean, I thought they were just going to be talking about leaves. Cults are a funny topic too. I like how they compare themselves to it. The animation was really slick here. I'm more into Game Grumps.

Well, there's not much of a difference. This was still pretty unique. Thanks for providing the sources. You really did put effort into this, even if you didn't fully make it. I always like to hear about guys having fun.

Dang, that's a lot of crap. Well, I was expecting that. I admit this wasn't that good. I mean, I'm kind of tired of these vulgar stuff from you. I guess the song was kind of catchy. I knew where this was coming from.

This was just crap. Hee hee. It just didn't seem that creative. I shouldn't have been eating breakfast while watching this. Well, more of drinking.

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