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Wow, this had a rating of 4.91. I'm sorry to bring it down to 4.72. This just wasn't that great for me. I mean, it was too short. It was just Pico wandering around. The animation was pretty good.

Looks like we didn't have one this year. At least I unearthed something that had such a high rating. I guess it's fine for something really short. It's just not that great. Uh, Happy Pico Day 2014! Or 2020! (?)

I like! I admit to not having seen the other entries in this series, but it certainly looks great! The animation is fantastic! I thought it was going to be boring at first. You know, with how she didn't talk. I'm so glad there was a lot going on.

I loved how, at the end, you listed them all briefly. I certainly didn't know about them. It was adult in many situations, but it was still cute. That's very hard to do! Sooo sad this didn't even win Daily Feature. Well, at least it got close!

KimiOmega responds:

Thank you so much for this lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed this video

I admit I didn't think this was that great. The audio was kind of annoying. I at least liked the animation style. I have never seen the Madness characters with mouths like this. It was kind of creepy. Okay, "Madness Combat" is meant to be creepy.

The little action it did have was good. The sounds were still annoying. I think I heard that before. Well, people have made parodies like this. It was still pretty good.

Wow, that was so touching. Here I was thinking it was going to be cynical. Well, it was bittersweet at the end. You know, with how they had no connection to friends or family. When you mentioned SFW, I got a little nervous. It's great you made something so nice.

I'm not into "Minecraft". The graphics were amazing. It's hard to say enough good things about it. The music was wonderfully soothing too. This is why I look up the Daily Features every day. I always watch the ones with the highest scores.

Wow, that really happened? I don't think it involved actual bears. This was still really funny. I mean, I had no idea what was going on here. It was certainly fun. It's kind of like "Creature Comforts".

The name made it sound like it was about a superhero. We just have so many superhero things nowadays. I can't imagine going through that. I mean, I might be able to handle that it was my own underwear, but someone else's? No way.

I admit that was really funny. My only complaint is that it was hard to tell if it was meant to be like a parody. I mean, it's listed as "Drama". It's hard to comprehend how Mickey Mouse could be taken seriously like this. It's at least well told. The animation's great.

Donald Duck in Vietnam? There WAS a cartoon where he worked for the Nazis. Yeah, look that up! It kind of reminds me of the Goofy Joker video. What is it with Goofy lately?

I thought this was pretty good. It was nice to have something that wasn't a rant. It made me feel more for the characters. Granted, I don't think these characters are that interesting. The animation wasn't bad too. At least she won something!

I knew you'd make a 420 joke. If only this was released a little bit earlier. Well, the coronavirus is still around. We shouldn't be with corpses at all. That's pretty much a given.

I remembering seeing this on the Portal and thinking that it could get Daily Feature. Then I was like "Naaah". Boy, was I wrong! I haven't been following this series well. It probably wouldn't help. It was so surreal it would be hard to remember a story!

I do love the bright colors. I do wish it was more coherent. It was nice enough to recommend. At least there's talking. It's still hard to understand.

I've heard of these. I think he just stopped with the bat credit card. Linkara pointed out it actually did make sense. Batman is rich and has bat themed equipment, so it makes sense he'd have one. He constantly mentions "The Phantom Menace" waaay more than "Batman And Robin". I'm surprised he doesn't get Jar-Jar Binks replicas at cons.

Or "Phantom Menace" replicas. The Critic can be unlikeable at times. I mean, he's literally killed pokemon. That's actually more popular than "Star Wars". Look it up!

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