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I found this to be just okay. The animation doesn't hold up that well. It was still nice to see these familiar enemies. It had kind of a unique look to it. You have just done much better cartoons. We all have to start somewhere of course.

The music was pretty nice. Mega Man looked too small. The colors were pretty spot on. It was just odd seeing all the characters in this style. It's always nice to see a tribute to a much loved series.

I guess it's silly to say that I enjoyed this. It was just a single gag. I still rarely see Thanksgiving related stuff at this time. I love holiday related stuff. The animation was good. That looked more like a giant canary.

Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I had a turkey. Well, I had ham today for something different. I still ate a fairly good amount. Now we can rightfully obsess over Christmas.

funymony responds:

Hope you got stuffed on that Ham amigo! MMN MNN! DELICIOUS!
I actually prefer ham over turkey. I prefer turkey deli meat over the turkey itself, which is weird and I don't know why....

Yeah Thanksgiving is one of those Holidays that just gives people something to do before XMAS.

Thanks for the review!!!!!!!!!

I thought this was pretty enjoyable. It does have this bug at the end. Not only does it loop, but it does the same sounds on top of itself! Well, I think the artwork's pretty good. By that I mean it's unique. I especially like the expressions.

Everything has been done with stick figures. You still made it pretty unique here. It was strange, but certainly watchable. Pirates are usually fun. They're not as good as ninjas though.

Why isn't the rating higher? I really enjoyed this! The animation is really funny. I loved how Emily and Satan were drawn in a different style. It's a lot more anime like. Even the loading screen was loads of fun to look at!

I like the silly voices. I certainly see potential for more action. These characters just come off as so real to me. I loved the storyboarding joke too. It's just a very fun cartoon.

That was very entertaining. We rarely see female horror movie villains at all. Sadako isn't really a slasher villain. Jason's mother Pamela was a noted female one. That would just be incestuous. Then again, Jason is a pedophile here.

He wouldn't hurt children! Well, I guess it's consensual. Eh, let's just not get into the details. I loved the music too. It's hard to go wrong with that.

RadishClock responds:

Both Sadako and Jason are well over consenusal undead rage monster adult age.

It's great to see the ventilation monster finally appear! The best part was, "Something's wrong with your gun. The bullet isn't going very fast". It's also great when he says "Ouch". It's nice to see a parody of the (so far) most action filled sequence of the movie. No Celine Dion joke this time, I guess.

You certainly got a lot done. Jill looks like she's naked in some shots. The quality seems to have gotten better. Well, I don't know how you upload these. Shouldn't there be an aprostaphe in the title?

It's too bad that all of your submissions are being taken down. Even if I'm not a fan, I understand that you're popular. Anyway, this got a bit annoying. It seemed to go on a bit too long. I can at least appreciate how there's some animation. I look closely at those kinds of things.

This was generally entertaining. I guess it's more relevant to me as I'm older now. It's interesting to see where a series started. You really want people to die. Or rather, Foamy does.

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Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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