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It's kind of a pity that this video has such few views on this website. I mean, it has tons on YT! Wait a minute, this was actually posted there before here. Well, either way it's a great cartoon. I've been driven crazy by all these viewed Peppa The Pig cartoons. Well, not here I mean.

Why are these kid's cartoons so popular? They're just annoying to most adults. You got the animation down perfectly! The best part might have been the self injury. That's how powerful bacon is.

He did say that it should have been his head. Is he suicidal? Well, they are clay figures as they say. I guess he just wanted to be injured. Well, he didn't seem to like it when it happened. Then again, it wasn't his head that time.

The visuals are quite good. I find the sound effects pretty cool. The image resolution could have been better. Well, it still won Daily Feature. It's always great to see unique stuff from great artists.

It was weird not seeing these characters as animals. I guess it's more realistic like this. Well, it does still have jackalopes. Those commercials are starting to get annoying. It's great to see this animation again. The voices are still great.

The best part was with her catching the jackalopes. That was really cute. I think the length worked well here too. This is just a slice of life story. A little different, but nice.

This was the only one in the series I was not familiar with. I admit it's weird to see an ongoing story with this. Of course, any idea can be good. I don't know where the "Plan 9" name comes from. I mean, there are underpants at least! I never saw that movie.

It's great to see all this stuff again. I forgot about Dancing Hitler and that rocket. Stuff in animutations becomes familiar after awhile. Poor Commander Keen. I actually get that joke.

TmsT responds:

"Plan 9" is a reference to Ed Wood's legendary film "Plan 9 from Outer Space", considered one of the worst films ever made. It seemed like an appropriate reference for one of my first experiments in animation. The fact that there's no hint of any numbered plans in this animutation itself is all part of the "bad movie" charm! (Yeah, THAT'S it!)

It's great to see where this series started. Even though it was only two minutes long, it was quite epic. I just loved seeing the Klay figures in CGI. A pity we haven't gained that many popular new characters in recent times. I just love the premise. Makes me miss VGDC too.

Randy Solem didn't have that many specific tributes. It's great to see the sprites in this CGI world. There's so much chaos in so short a time. I think Knox does have the most awards. Illwillpress lost most of them.

It's great to have this still around! Animutation is one of the most insane things I have ever seen in my whole life! It's also one of the best things! I just love seeing all these crazy characters everywhere. This song is unbelievably catchy too. I really had no idea this would be in a series.

Every single thing is unpredictable in this. I prefer the birthday version. It's just more stylized. These introduced me to Zippy. I saw Dopefish!

Yeah, I remember when soundboards were all the rage. Of course, I remember when Ebaumsworld was popular too. We're still more popular than them! I think this worked better as a brief joke in "Metroid Confusion". It's still well done. The animation could have been better.

It's nice to see those voices. This actually made a lot of sense. I can see Gollum reacting to Dr. Phil like this and vice versa. Well, I'm not really a fan of the latter. He might take the ring.

I am not that familiar with Kid Icarus. Of course, this was still entertaining in itself. It's amazing how many flashes Randy left behind. He deserves to be honored. I had not heard of that Sobe ad before. I just think that by now, I would have heard them all!

The best part was probably the dragon line. Funny, I thought there was some other submission he did. Anyway, this was pretty fun. I just prefer his longer cartoons. It's weird to refer to him like this.

It was weird how you said this was "another episode". No, it was the first episode! I expected more of an introduction. I can tell this was the first episode. It doesn't have much of an identity. I miss the slug guy.

I forgot his name. The funniest part was with knowing which end to wipe with. I guess the animation is fine. Once again, you get better with later episodes. You should have had more things to make fun of her.

I admit that this started off pretty strong, but got weaker. I thought it was too short. I was seriously rooting for the yellow guy! Maybe he was supposed to be the villain? Anyway, this was okay of its sort. You rarely see clay stuff here anymore.

It seems like more and more old submissions are being removed. I always want this site to have as much stuff as possible. The music was fine. You do better stuff later. I seem to say that a lot.

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