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This wasn't great, but I still enjoyed it. I think it's mostly because it's a bit too short. I do like how there wasn't blood in this. It would have been too graphic. I still found this to be pretty creative. I guess he always did want to be a plumber.

The sprite work is really nice. I wish I had played some of these games. I like those baby sounds. It didn't seem to escalate that much. While not one of your best, it's still fun.

Yeah, that wasn't good. I can see why it's the lowest rated Matrix related thing here. The music got a bit annoying. You shouldn't have made it a loop either. The artwork seemed quite shoddy. You need to add in lines or something.

It didn't make much sense with "The Matrix" films. So this is supposed to be a dream too? I didn't see how this was even a parody. Everything just looked so choppy. I say avoid it.

It's nice to see Godzilla here. There should be more flashes with him. Anyway, I ended up enjoying this. The animation looked weird, but then I realized it was modeled on "South Park". It was hard to see Godzilla look so silly. Why was he blue?

He looked more like a baby for some reason. The SARS virus looked like a giant raisin. I was impressed by the animation, especially with how the building was destroyed. It's amazing how many of these diseases there are. I guess most of them just occur outside the United States.

It's great to see where you started off. I am quite surprised the rating is so high. I mean, your other stuff is so much better! This just has nothing to do with you. I love how you've gained so much popuarlity. The music isn't bad.

I like how you acknowledge that the video quality is high. It really is quite bad! It's far too pixelated. This was just kind of boring. Well, maybe it was good for a cheap laugh.

I feel bad for giving this such a high score. The only reason is because we get to see a cartoon featured on Joanna Dark! I mean, she is literally the most beautiful drawn character I have ever seen in my entire life! She isn't as hot as she in later times. She's still unbearably sexy though. I knew what was going to happen.

Dude, to do that personally would be worth having my face smashed in. Poor Neil. I wasn't expecting Kirby to be there. Well, he is the main character. Now the "Dark" title makes more sense.

I am sorry, but it's hard for me to see why the rating is so high. It's just that the animation is really bad. It doesn't hold up at all. I can at least appreciate how many other people like this. It really isn't for me. I didn't see what made it unique.

Maybe I just need to be more into "Resident Evil". Was the second game coming out at this time? I see a lot of them at this time. I do like some of the audio. The "Cops" music is always nice.

It's great to look back at these times! We're probably going to be missing them when Donald Trump is President. Yeah, I just have to bring that up. The animation is quite good. I love how the reporter looks like a giant peanut! It's vaguely Muppet like.

You think Michael Jackson and R. Kelly were bad? Jared molested 14 kids! I wish we could go back to these old days when celebrities only had one or two rape charges. I love how goofy everything looks. We'd forgotten about Afghanistan at the time.

I personally didn't care that much for it. How was this a parody? It seemed more like a zombie story played straight. The sprite work is quite good. It was just a bit too long. It was weird to see Peach use energy like that.

Of course, it was also weird to see her dressed like that. I didn't even recognize her at first! I thought this was some "Resident Evil" character I hadn't heard of. I'm not familiar with the games okay! The M on Mario's hat looked like an H.

It was interesting to hear that robotic voice at the very end. I do miss hearing the whole song. That's the best thing about this meme! There were still Wazzup jokes in 2003? I guess I never really found that funny. I do love AYB though.

It's always great fun to combine stuff. Now both of these are old. I still like the original concepts back then. The graphics look great. Well, they always look like that.

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