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Merry Christmas to you too!

I was very impressed at the animation at this; it seriously looked like it could have been CGI! It was a little hard to pick up the Christmas theme until the end. While you certainly weren't aiming for a story as you stated in the author's comments, you didn't need one. You gave the audience everything they wanted in a brief cartoon. I kept thinking the snow guy was Catface at the beginning because of his head shape. Sure, there wasn't much of a background or anything, but simplicity is all you need for this.

Defines cuteness

This was a very impressive flash and I'm glad it managed to get its message across even though it was relatively short. The animation is probably the best I have ever seen you make. I also just think that what happened at the end is something we all kind of want to happen to us. I wonder why the girl herself didn't just use her own warm breath to get her tongue off? Of course, I could ask that question everytime one of these things happens. I am glad to be back from my Christmas vacation and to capture this well done flash.

More well known

It's nice that I am becoming more well known with this series and can appreciate the work put into it. That being said, this was waaaay better than the previous installment because it was longer (among other things). While not the best movie I have ever seen, it does a good job of capturing the spirit of adventure. It's cool to see all of these characters in one place to see how well they fit into the story. The battle scenes seem to be getting older and are more enjoyable. It is kind of strange how you can't skip through the dialogue, though.

MaxR responds:

Thank you for your feedback! In the next chapter, I started to put controls to help with that :)

This was good

Of all the things I have seen, I do indeed recall this series, but it's hard to remember it. That being said, I thought this was very well done. This worked well to have an actual story going along with some great humor. It is great as always to hear Rina-chan. The animation may not have been top par, but I think that was probably part of the joke and of the movie's appeal. It was very nice to see cameos from the characters in "Left 4 Dead"; dang, is that one game I heard of a lot nowadays.

An old classic

This was one of the earlier clock movies with an actual story and it sticks out as one of the best. While it may not have been lengthy, the animation is just really nice. It doesn't try to be funny or silly, but rather a deconstructive take on what it would be like to be a clock. While I can't say, "A Clockwork Orange" is one of my favorite movies (I haven't seen it) it captures the style well. It really mixes in dark humor with animation. I especially like how the more simple looking clocks contrast with the more complicated style of the background.

I am so crazy

Well, what can I really say? I was really entertained by the "Badgers" movie the first time I saw it, and it's really cool to see different people's takes on it. This is probably the record for lowest score flash that I have ever given a 10 and/or favorited. With people like the Clock Crew around, we do need people who give high rankings to otherwise hated flashes. You have contributed a lot of stuff here, Sir-CannabisClock, and you have really captured the campiness of the Clock Crew. I mean, all of the designs of the characters are fun to look at.

Peace to you too

When I look back at this, I tend to think how cool it was that I was able to listen to "Billie Jean" without having to download anything. Now that we have YouTube, this clip doesn't seem so great. Still, I love this movie because of the kinds of sides that it takes. It looks like it doesn't try to be pro-Bush or anti-Bush, just a silly little tribute to George W. Bush. It helps that this was released shortly before we went to Iraq. I know that there probably wasn't that deep a message intended, but I really enjoyed this.

Not the most original

This wasn't the most original thing I have seen, as this has been done before. I still have to give you props on creating some good animation. I couldn't quite understand it well, as at first I thought it was a game and I was supposed to shoot the duck. I can see that this is your first flash, so I should probably go easy on you. Next time, you should make it a little longer with some better sound effects. With better jokes using this kind of animation, I am sure you could do better.

CaptainJohnny responds:

yeah i feel the same way abot the length. its an old NES game i was making fun of so those are the sounds from the actual game. thanks for the critisism

This was okay

I'm glad you got some good reviews, as this wasn't bad enough to have such a low score. It is always interesting to be introduced to a new group. I have never heard of the Hippie Hangout before, but you seem to have an original and a pretty interesting design. It's nice that you put in that tribute to the Glock Group as the animation was fine. My biggest complaint is that it was a little too short and didn't have much of a punchline, if any at all. At least you didn't use those monotone voices for the character.

Nice icon

I remember first seeing the original entry in this series and how much I liked it. It's a pity we are not able to create a direct response to a flash submission as we can like a YouTube video. It was very cool to see you, albeit only the middle part of your body. The flash effects were good, especially when your hand turned into the icon. You have obviously done a lot on this website and it's great that you voice your opinion. It is just interesting to hear what ordinary people think about really popular websites.

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