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You were smart to submit in on Clock Day

I support the Clock Crew as much as the next guy, but this didn't have much going for it. It looked like it was just some text written on a single screen. I can learn to appreciate the style brought upon by the original "B", but it is a little annoying how these keep appearing. I mean, I for one, am glad you can really put anything on Clock Day, as that's what I have done. You should try to put a song to this. Even a short goofy little loop would have make it all the more enjoyable.

Silly catface!

You guys have given us more great humor and animation with a nice winter theme! It is really appropriate seeing as how I haven't seen snow in years and finally saw some today! It's interesting how you take note of how difficult it would be for a small body to support such a huge head. It was funny when Catface was yelling as his snowcat went away. The ending was simply perfect with the boy with the flying snowman getting hit and falling down. While not really Christmas themed, may I wish you a very merry Christmas!!

It was all great!

Being a huge "Naruto" fan, it was nice to see a good tribute to it. This may not have been that great, if not for the extra stuff, especially the mishap you there was actually dialogue (well, sort of). I was kind of curious as to why Sakura was there as she did nothing. It was cool how Naruto managed to get so many hints on Orochimaru. I think this may be the first time I ever saw Gaara and Orochimaru sprites. While I don't understand why Orochimaru is purple, it's still great to see them move around and fight.

Extremely cute!

This was in Spanish, but it was great how someone who didn't speak Spanish could understand it. I really like how you only use silhouettes. Some people might look at that and be critical as it could be a lack of detail, but I think it really adds to the feel. I did kind of think it was weird how he left in 1945 as that was the end of the war, but whatever. Stories about people and their dogs come across as heartwarming to me. You didn't use dialogue, you just used standard action tell a great story.

A great Christmas episode

It seems nice how every really popular series has at least one Christmas episode. Thank you very much for delivering a very creative and enjoyable one for this series! It was fun to see all of the characters, but my favorite was by far the Sonic parody. It was also nice of you to use voices from such talented people like Egoraptor. As a fan of this song, I can just enjoy listening to every parody of it. I am going to go on vacation now, so have a very merry holiday season as I hope I will!

It got better!

I wasn't too impressed by this at first, at it just seemed to be a person trying to make fun of the Grinch using standard sex jokes. However, I really liked the lyrics and it sounded authentic to the original themes. The animation could have used some work, but it was okay. It was an interesting twist in not making the Grinch the actual main villian of the cartoon. I was just thinking of Santa Claus before it was revealed to be him. May I at least wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Truly great stuff!

This had some of the most impressive animation I have seen in a long time! It's actually kind of weird, because my only complaint is that the characters all seem to look similar with the gray hair. I did, however, like the other animation, especially with how the eyes moved. I also enjoyed how this was represented as a good slice of life story. The best part of all may have been the live-action photographs that were used in this. The characters were really able to work around and move in their environments.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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