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It was quite nice

It helps that you had that really cool intro at the beginning. It is also one of the few flashes that I have seen that have a cool "mute" thing at the beginning, especially in the shape of an orange. For being short, this managed to have a lot of depth, probably because of the funny credits. The animation was also nice and it was exactly what someone named EraserLock would look like. I know what it's like to be mad and simply yell "F*ck" for the first time (for me at least). I have only sworn once in my life (or used that word).

Why did it have to end?

This was one of the most impressive stick flashes I have ever seen! The simple fact that you started by giving us characters with really unique (head) designs was fantastic! The swords being used was a great effects as well and the animation of it all is great. It was also great to use this form of music to fit the really intense action scene. The characters move so fluidly and they have unique features distinguishing them from anything else. I am soooo looking forward to the next installment in the series!

It was good, but not great

I couldn't help but be reminded of the TTA series that I myself used to be featured in. While I am not saying this is a ripoff (as it couldn't be, it came out before) it was not one of the best I have ever seen. That isn't to say of course that what action it did have was pretty nice. I also appreciate the character designs even if they were perhaps not that creative. It doesn't help that I am not familiar with this series and can't really understand what is going on. I still have to recomend this for the creative fight scenes and character designs.

MaxR responds:

Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback! Though I can't take credit for the character design, they're sprites from the game called Little Fighter 2.

Quite awesome indeed

I was very impressed at the varieties of characters used in this flash, especially with how well they were drawn. The best was probably the Tankmen talking about (bleep)s. It was especially funny to see the turtle from "Toss The Turtle" appear and get bloodied up again. My only complaint was that the guy from "Stick Slayer" was there, but there was no tribute at all to the late Ben Spurgin! Oh well, this had a really great concept going for it. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen such a wide variety of characters in a single flash.

Jazza responds:

thanks man. i know what u mean with ben and all, and as good as it would have been to have a better tribute to him, i didnt coz i waz working with that characters that would interact the best, and have a lot of personality.

Merry Christmas to you too

It seems like it is becoming customary for you to release a Christmas flash close to the season. While I didn't think this was on par with the "Zanta Claws" series, it was still great. It helped that the animation was really good, especially how the characters moved. It was quite different to see something by you that didn't have any of the characters talk, or at least not until the end. At least it manages to give a fairly positive message about the goodness of an ordinary Christmas. I am going to be on a vacation, and I hope you have a great Christmas as well!

Needs more detail

I guess that by looking at this at all, it does seem to be pretty detailed. I mean, I did like it how the character just casually went up to the thing doing the music and smashed it. It's just that that was it, and it is simply very difficult to go into further detail about this. I guess the loading screen was pretty nice. You have some fairly good talent with animation, but it needs work in terms of length. Adding a background as opposed to a white screen would also be a pretty nice touch.

I remember that duck!

While I never actually played the Earthbound games myself, I remember that duck being used in this "Hock" animation here by Billy Cass! I had no idea what was going on, and why the other characters were ghosts. What really saved this was the great animation. All of the characters, especially the ghosts and the duck were designed well. I thought it was funny how that dumb duck just made quacking sounds when it was defeated. It was a bit hard to find much point in this, but most NG flashes are like that anyway.

MichaFrario responds:

well most of the humor lies in the spazzing duck, and earthbound players will understand everything


It's great to see two guys like HappyHarry and Oney contribute to something! This made more sense to me than the last one, as I have now gotten more familiar with the "Left 4 Dead" series. It helps that the animation and voices are as goofy as ever. It's hard to pick a best part, but I may say something like when the lady's mouth was blown off. She really didn't do much else in this cartoon at all. The redneck like guy was also funny, and I just like that big scary black dude.


Well, I must say I am impressed that you managed to get this into "Flash Portal History" with such a low score. I mean, while not good, it is quite unique. My favorite part was probably the way the mushrooms were shaped, they looked so silly. I guess it's nice you are working for sound, as you could do better in the future. My biggest complaint was that the characters didn't have good animation and nothing really stood out. I also didn't like it how the white box surrounding them moved with them.

Love the color

In terms of um, "furries" fighting, this was one of the best uses I have ever seen! The song was also pretty good and I felt it fit the mood well enough. The animation used in this was simply flawless, although I'd say my favorite would be the first fight. It looks like a collab almost, but the fact that you made it by yourself just shows how talented you are! I was also impressed by the number of colorful (quite literally) characters introduced. While I wasn't that big a fan of the story, the action and animation made up for it all.

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