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Best Burnt Face Man!

This was some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen from you, and from this entire website! This is one of the few things I have laughed out loud! I think the funniest part was when the guy said, "A bird it be" and shot off Burnt Face Man's leg. I also loved how you literally tied up all the loose ends at the end of the episode. The randomness and ridiculousness of it made it seem like Monty Python or something. I could just spend all day listing funny stuff (like when the Indian guy was talking about burning his genitals).

A funny joke

I have in fact heard a joke like this, or maybe it was the same joke. It doesn't matter, because it manages to be effective in terms of its delivery. I also really like the animation, it really looks like something from some Russian TV show. The way the characters seemed to talk fast was pretty funny as well, even if that was unintentional. I've heard that in real life, sucking out the poision is actually pretty hazardous. It's more likely to spread germs through your saliva than help.

Nice and positive

This was interesting as I at first thought it was a parody of that commercial that showed a car crash while texting. I guess it just goes to show that technology can either help us or destroy us. I just adored the animation in this and how professional it looked! It looked like it was something made for a TV commercial, like for a cell phone company. It's obvious a lot of effort was put into this, as it seemed to take a long time. My only complaint is that it is a little short.

More artsy work

It's interesting to find out how something like Halloween can break out the art-like side in us all. It's particularly cool how the story ends, as is it left ambiguous as to what really happened. The animation was nice, and I especially liked how the characters and monsters moved. I think my favorite was the girl who had her head destroyed by a sperm cell she emitted. It was also nice to see the monsters fight each other. It had all of the dark qualities you would want as well as some genuinely scary moments.

Animation is great

It was a pretty weird thing to watch, but you made up for it for just being so cool. I didn't even know that was part of the entire song (meaning I thought they were separate songs). It just helps that the animation is so slick and everything fits together well. That one guy with the sharp teeth reminded me of Suigetsu from "Naruto". I especially like how the main character is just such a positive and likeable character. You only see him for about three minutes, but you get a great impression of him.

I love it!

I am so glad to be introduced to the style of your work, as it is simply flawless! What really stands this apart from a lot of other stuff is how great the animation is. It seems like someone trying to write a Gorillaz comic book or something. Speaking of music, it also did a great job of making appropriate music. I just loved the shading, character designs, and everything else that just made this thing so beautiful! It's an original style and everything about it is creative and completely unpredictable.

lenkalamari responds:

i love gorillaz too much haha. thanks for the review

It wasn't bad

It's nice of you to acknowledge in your description that this is an amateur work. That being known, you really could use work to brush up on the animation. The story wasn't terrible, but I felt it could have been a bit more creative and have more punchlines. I am quite impressed you managed to get so many Newgrounds celebrities to work for you! I guess it's nice so many people want to help someone who's raising in his fame. I would know a thing about that, and I hope you get better from here!

How soft

This is a pretty unique cartoon in that it doesn't try at any point to be fast paced. Thank you for introducing me to this song, as it does seem to be a pretty good song. I was thinking about my own bed as I watching this, and how important it is to me. The animation could've used some work, but it's such a pleasant atmosphere you tend to not notice. While it did use bears, it works nicely as a realistic representation of life. I thought it was just cute all around, especially with the kid bear.

It's very unique

I'm always a fan of demo reels, simply because it's a great way for us to look back on all the things we've done in the past year or so. I'm not a fan of yours, so I am not familiar with any of the animations/games used in this. There seems to be a lot of variety though, especially with that old guy game. It looks like some of your influences were people like Dan Paladin. I did indeed clap at the end just like I was told. Of course, you couldn't tell if I had, but it's a nice thought at least.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

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