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Well, I guess that was pretty funny. It was just too brief. I guess the music was really nice. Of course, you didn't make it yourself. The animation seems just fine. Uh, Happy early Xmas I suppose.

I was not expecting that. I just want more from a flash. In a weird way, it was unique. Granted, that doesn’t make it good. There’s nothing memorable here.

That was wonderful! My only complaint is that it didn’t have much to do with Christmas. It wasn’t really based on the Grinch story. Still, it was tons of fun. It was nice to see all these great characters. I just loved all the animation.

Hey, we have Christmas decorations up at this time anyway. It’s as good a time as ever to watch this! I just loved the different forms Crow Clock took. It was so creative. The dialogue was great too.

I had no idea there would be a "Star Wars" parody here. Well, I guess it makes sense. Hey, they're going to be making an Episode 8 soon! Also, both of these franchises have the same directors now! We probably won't see a crossover, unfortunately. I just loved the animation in this.

It's great to hear these awesome voices too. Wow, this is three beloved franchises all packed into one! Well, you had done that earlier. The laughtrack kind of works here. Yeah, she had a lot of dresses, alright.

Dude, I'm so impressed at how much you covered! I'm pretty sure you covered every single main character, except for the higher bosses. You even explain all of them in the description. I think my favorite might be Liu Kang's. You even give a great description for that here!

Hmmm, I didn't know Sonya was dead. Cyrax's was tons of fun too. Yes, we all know about "The Ring". Everyone's heard of "American Idol" dude! I loved how quick Kano's was.

While very short, this was still lots of fun. That's really the name of your website? It sounds like an offshoot of 4chan. Wait, was that even around at this time? They stole your name! I love the animation.

It's hilarious how a serial killer eats tofu. Of course, it makes more sense at the end. This is great for a quick laugh. I just appreciate the music too. Happy early Thanksgiving!

Why is this under both the Halloween and Thanksgiving collections? It had nothing to do with Thanksgiving! I still like this a lot. It's mostly because of how much you learn from it. It's probably this website's only cooking show! The animation is quite good.

SpongeBob would become a lot scarier in later seasons. Wait, that actually automatically capitalized the B in that word? He really is a household name! My mom used to cook pumpkin seeds all the time. I like pumpkin pie too and oh, I guess that could be considered Thanksgiving related.

I liked the music. I didn't know Swearbear had an official song. This may have been one of the last made. It's great to see a different take on the character. It's unlike any version I've seen. I wasn't expecting him to literally crap all over the squirrel.

The animation's quite nice. I like how the characters turn around. I liked how you used your real name for this. It's just well organized. It looks like he's eating crap at the end.

Wow, I really do feel lucky that this never happened to me. It kind of reminds me of that "Male Restroom Etiquette" video. While not as funny, this was still great. I really feel bad for you. I guess I just don’t use urinals that often. The places I go to only have one.

I need to keep track of that. I love your voice too. It’s great how realistic this all is. I can see anyone in this scenario. I always love your stuff.

Okay, this was short, but it was freaking awesome! I simply loved the animation. I guess she wasn't a vampire herself. Wait, can vampires infect other vampires? There's an "Inception" joke in there somewhere. I am still tired of those.

The lines were amazing. The colors were flawless. I do wish it wasn't an infinite loop. That's generally a bad sign. Of course, I have no clue how to fix that myself.

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