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I thought that this was one of the best Madness Combat tributes I have ever seen! It has all of the action that any MC tribute could ask for, and I really like the character designs. You used Jason as an original character who really works well in the genre. I think my favorite scene was when he gets hit by fire and shot. It's nice to know that some of those guys can actually cause the villian some damage. The use of weapons was also pretty neat in this one, especially the sharp ones.

Real life?

I was thinking this was based on real life stuff that happened to you, but it was kind of silly. You may have simply heard someone else talk about their experiences with a midget. It was a bit boring, but it did seem like you were trying to put in a story. The animation was a bit crude, but I guess that may have been part of the joke. I am at least glad you were able to get so many views and reviews for your work. I guess you may in fact hang out with those kind of people.

Nice and random

The first one was really cool and I liked how the skate thing got filled with blood, something that rarely happens in a flash. I could've sworn that guy said "wife" instead of "life" at first. It was funny how the bits of glass got stuck in the fat kid's eye. I guess little fat people getting hurt is funny to me. The animation through all of them was good, particuarly the psychatrist one. It was nice how you didn't know what was going to come next, even though it was obvious it was going to be violence.

Last needed to be protected!

This was a pretty okay flash to watch in that it did not have much flashy stuff, but it was kind of nice. I especially like the character designs with the live-action faces and the stick legs. The funniest part was the guy saying that it was plausible character development for that guy to be a great scientist. Of course, I am not familiar with this series, so I guess I wouldn't know better. I don't know how being hit by a computer would turn a person in to sh*t. The "The End" title was kind of cool as well.

Very nice!

I had no idea what to expect, seeing how the title was in French and so were things in the beginning. I really could tell they were not talking about movies and were referring to something dirtier. I don't even know if there are any people who use double entendres for things other than sex. The animation was really funny and goofy looking. I especially liked the grandmother's voice and the parts that are after the "Fin" title. The "Fish" title was cool as it works well to add to the randomness of it all.

Poor paw

It sure seems strange viewing this summer time cartoon right before the winter season starts. It was great as always to see CatFace and I found his little paw (when he was trying to swat the bee) was cute. There were lots of funny moments, like him being mad at Boxcat's name. It would have been awesome if Boxcat had actually appeared in the circle so we could see what he really looks like. It was a great idea to have Catface use his giant hands for so many good things. It just shows what you can do with something bad.

Nice and unpredictable

I really liked the animation that was used and even though it wasn't color, it could really tell a story. This reminded me a lot of the slapstick stuff in things like Looney Tunes. I was seriously not expecting that ending. I was thinking the bunny would either make the hunter look dumb or the boy would protect the bunny. I guess in today's age of cynicism, we need to remember the reality of our situations. The music used was also pretty rythmutic and fit the silly story well.

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