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Hard to understand

Well, I can at least say it was nice of you to make the comment that Tom Fulp was handsome. Next time I suggest putting in more than just a pure green background. It would also be better if you put in some dialogue instead of that "buhdubuduh" thing. I guess there was supposed to be some deep meaning to this or maybe it was just a joke flash. If the language is going to be incomphrensible, you should put some action to it. I have nothing against you, it's just that it seems like you could do much better.

Very funny

I am not that familar with the series, but this is a very funny and original one! I especially love the debate about religion; I would know how strenuous that can be from the forums (lol). I really liked all the different lock designs in this, especially Lockie. It was really cool how some (I think like two?) of the voices were made by actual people. You even went through the effort of getting two people to do it! I really like the animation and the characterizations in this and pretty much everything else about it!


I had high hopes when I was first watching this as I really liked the sketches that were drawn to make this. The really cheesy tone of voice(s) used in this were funny as well. I should have been expecting it to be a hentai thing, albeit in sketches. I guess the most annoying thing about this was about how it went on for five minutes. It just got tiring after awhile and you can only go for so long thinking about furry sex. I did always kind of wonder what it would be like if you peed in the girl's mouth.

I loved that movie

I think you should have waited for April Fool's Day to submit this, as it isn't quite appropriate for Halloween. I do not think I have heard of this Bat Milder woman before, but it didn't come off as being that funny. I guess it's okay to submit something really cheesy every now and then. At least it had that sort of cool Halloween intro. It would've been nicer if there was some actual animation or maybe just some cheesy live-action thing. Better yet, create some sort of mashup trailer.

Okay action

This seemed to have an interesting story, but I think there may have been some problem. I didn't hear any music at first, but now I am for some reason. Anyway, the main problem with this is that the animation is too simple. I liked the use of the Shoop da Whoop thing, but without the accompanying sound, it did feel like it was missing something. It was also pretty short and didn't seem to have much of a story. It was an okay tribute to "Madess Combat" with the whole reality thing.

Woah, very impressive!

It's so cool to look at stuff I missed on special occasions like Madness Day. While not the best action ever, this had some of the most diverse character designs in a Madness flash! The original series is great even though it has very simple character designs. Seeing an alligator, a mustached guy, and more of those crazy eye people was simply fantastic. I also liked the variety of weapons used, like the shotgun found in the fat guy and the big black sword. I am looking forward to the next installment in this series.

A lot of voices

I have to love this if only for the high number of voices used. When you use a voice for nearly every individual character, you really have to appreciate all of the hard work put into it. I especially love the main vampire's voice. The animation was pretty good, and it seemed to fit the mood of a more humorous flash than most vampire stuff well. The action scenes were also kind of cool especially with how the vampire was killed. While I'm not your biggest fan, it was very nice to see some of your most high-rated work.

Kieran-s responds:

Thanks. The voice actors did great.

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