View Profile Ericho

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It was alright

It was just funny to see that kind of clock, and I admit the mini game wasn't too shabby either. While not great, a decent enough effort. I don't think the score should be this low!

Great entry in the series

It's great to see these flashes again! As expected, the artwork and voicework was simply fantastic, even if it wasn't that detailed. I'm looking very forward to the next episode with the action!

Too long

Well, this is the first time I've seen one of these flashes, and I can say that it was just okay. All of the inside jokes were really funny and it was nice to hear them, but the animation was too simple, and there was little action going on, and the cutaway jokes were a bit too random. Not bad, anyway.

Good live-action sequence!

It's weird to see something like this on a website like Newgrounds. The acting and camera angles were pretty good, not to mention the effects put onto the P-Bot. While not a fantastic video, it was just simply great to take a look into the real world for once here and find out what goes on at Newgrounds! Didn't know you had a beard!

Nice job!

After seeing your old Cat Face flashes, it's great to see a new Weebl and Bob cartoon submitted to Newgrounds. The first part was a little boring (still funny to see those wierd characters) but it really took off when the monkey came, as well as the flying Cadbury Creme Eggs! That is a monkey's job after all!

Great collab!

As usual it was great to see all you guys working together. rtil, Vinnie, and Bobert-Bob was a pretty crazy combination! The theme of love is also pretty rare on collabs. I just wish the song was a little better.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was never really that big a fan of Valentine's Day flashes, but this certianly made it! It's so cool to see zombies on Valentine's Day, not to mention how you randomly threw in cat, ice cream, and marshmellows! Anything with cats, zombies, ice cream, and true love gets a 10 from me!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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