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The most memorable part was the ending. I wish that series would continue. You certainly picked an epic way to end this great series. While I may not have been the biggest fan, it's still great. The sprite work is as awesome as ever. We get to see all the characters in this.

It's interesting how realistic this is. Well, as realistic as Bowser's henchman could be. I mean, the characters talk in such a real manner. Steve was pretty annoying in the series as a whole. The transition effects are nice too.

Well, I certainly liked this, but it confused me. I don't see why the rating is so high. Is it because of the animation? Alright, I admit this is really amazing animation. It's just beautiful! The final punchline didn't seem that good.

It was a gun the whole time? How odd. This still looks beautiful. I can always appreciate that. It's certainly unique.

I wish you'd come back. You could do Donald Trump over and over. What's fascinating is that Donald Trump is probably worse than John McCain ever could be. He is in fact the oldest person to be elected President. He sure doesn't look it. I guess when you're the richest person to become President, you can afford cosmetics.

I loved that little slug guy. I didn't know this about McCain. It's still obvious Sarah Palin was dumber. I especially appreciate learning all these crazy quotes he said. I can't believe them!

This may in fact have been the most cartoonish thing you ever worked on. It's amazing how good the facial expressions are. It's great fun not knowing what will happen next. The best part was probably the very end. It's so unexpected. This was the name of a "Pokémon" episode I believe.

In fact, it was actually the last episode aired on Kids WB! Really, look that up! The music tells so much storytelling. It wasn't literally colorful, but was metaphorically. It reminded me of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I was rather impressed by how colorful this was. You guys have so many different styles. I really like this theme about the song. I knew it would be a music video after awhile. Even the credits are creative. You even show all these styles on the menu.

Congrats on being the thumbnail for NG collabs. I might have remembered when this first came out. That was when I first came here. Aww, the memories. My favorite was probably Fop.

Dude, the artwork was amazing in this! There was one complaint I had. It was too short! There needed to be more going on! Everything moved so gracefully. I feel bad for not being aware of the other episodes.

I just want to see more of this. It really is a traditional knight story. It's not like Castle Crashers or anything. It's just a classic medieval tale. Could use some dragons, though.

It seems pointless to upload this, but I understand what you're doing. Yes, Flash will be dead soon. The actual program is unfortunately being discontinued. Anyone else know that? You're so talented. I wish there'd be more of you always here. This was pretty funny.

I will admit I don't know why you used Snake. I don't see what he has to do with Fruity Pebbles. Then again, I'm not into the games. Dang, an injoke I missed! Always good to have you here, dude.

MindChamber responds:

well Ive been converting files to alot of my older flash stuff and just uploading it on youtube.
and while youtube does have a version of this, its really pixelated .. and to be honest. Its a real chore to upload the same videos everywhere. I really want all my videos in one spot.. Like i said before. Im trying to get over the stigma that every submission on newgrounds has to be a long completed piece.

Wow, I don't think I ever heard the original song the Weird Al Yankovic song was a parody of. Anyway, this was really bad. Why does that song go on at the end? The animation was really bad. To make fun of something, you should make it better looking. That just makes sense.

I can see why this has such a low rating. The audio doesn't match up. Maybe it's not supposed to. The series has still come a long way. I'm glad it's an original idea.

I had no idea this would be about Portal. I mean, I thought you were referring to the flash portal! Then again, I guess all submissions are like that. I had fun with how fast paced this was. Love the Monty Python quote. This was surprisingly nonviolent.

It still delivered some goods. It was quite stylistic. I like the old man's design. I'd be annoyed by that guy too. Uh, Happy Madness Day as well as me first coming to this website!

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