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That was just one cartoon. Oh, I get it. This was a cartoon about Minecraft cartoons. It wasn't an actual collection of them. It seems like it's been awhile since I've seen them. Then again, this was made years ago.

The animation was great. I really only know about the game from the Internet. That guy at the end kind of looked like Han Solo. You got the Creeper stuff right. This was fine.

Well, the animation was pretty nice. It was just too short. It was just one single gag. Well, it was fine for that I guess. I liked how you could click the dog to bark. Actually, that makes the cartoon's implications worse.

Well, it was in the Ultra Violence section. I should have remembered that. This was just mediocre. It has its good and bad points. It just needed to be longer.

That really impressed me! I just loved the way it was done. The quality made it look so nostalgic. It's interesting to see something new made to look old. I thought the whole song would just be an intro or a music video. I'm glad it wasn't.

This is pretty empowering to women. It was fun to just see the VHS like detail. I'm starting to miss those. Well, it's mostly because my VHSs aren't worth anything. It's a pretty cool idea.

I loved the animation. This was very entertaining. Gary did indeed have an Umbreon. Actually, an early episode said he had caught dozens of pokemon that weren't seen. I guess you could give him any Kanto pokemon. Whatever, I'm being too nitpicky.

I thought Pikachu was going to use a "Dragonball Z" move. Wrong anime, it was "Naruto"! I guess I've just been watching "Dragonball Super" so much that it's on my mind. Shouldn't the title be "not another pokemon parody"? I guess I mistook Sasuke hair for Super Saiyan.

I loved the part at the beginning the most. The childhood thing dragged on a little too long. It's still hilarious. I love how Link is so horny. I love the joke with Saria. Wait, Link's tunic is attached to his clothes like that?

I appreciate the animation. It's wonderfully cartoonish. It almost reminds me of Kirbopher. Dang, I miss him. The length was great too.

ArtistGamerGal responds:

not gunna lie, Kirbopher helped get me into doing video game parodies!

Awww, now this is a much better cartoon. I loved the animation. The best joke was the dinosaur fight. Time travel makes for endless possibilities. I also loved the man on the Sun joke. That would obviously be harder than Mars.

The length was great too. It did seem like a long commercial. I'm not used to movie formats like this. We use the new type where it just stops. Yeah, this has the feeling of being high.

The animation wasn't very good. I didn't really understand how it was supposed to be that funny. Instead, it was just a very brief joke. I wish there was more time travel. It's just one thing. The animation wasn't that good either. I liked the Tom Fulp picture though.

It would have worked better if it was longer. Well, maybe if it had better jokes. I'm not used to movies being like this. These rounds are more about games. I guess it can work.

Dang, was the animation good in this! I was impressed at how beautiful it was. I didn't think the cartoon was that great though. It didn't give me much of a laugh. I still liked how it had no dialogue. You could show a lot with the emotions there.

Gummy's pretty cute. Was the title a pun? I guess it was just alliteration. I feel bad for Pinkie Pie. I'm a huge brony.

I think this might be the least in the series. I appreciate seeing something different, I suppose. I kind of knew how it would end. Well, literally end. I think this same joke was used somewhere else. Maybe I've just seen so many cartoons I can predict their endings.

This wasn't about murder. Well, it was about writing. I can see why this didn't win Daily Feature. You can be better next time. The animation was still nice.

This was a pretty good cartoon. It's far from one of your best. Remember me? It's been too long since I've reviewed one of your cartoons. I just liked the overall good feel for this. It's just nothing to write home about.

It's a short happy little cartoon. I appreciate things being done out of love. The animation seemed different for you. Well, you don't normally draw bodies like this. It's pretty short for a song.

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