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I absolutely loved this cartoon. I can't believe I hadn't seen it before! What makes it great is that it mocks something that's so stupidly popular. There are so many beloved porn games on this website. That's where we get the most views! The funniest part was easily when he was confused by the breasts.

The voices and animation are great too. I just love seeing a parody of these series. I never got into them much. I guess I just needed to be more of a pervert. This was made right before I joined this website in 2008! I guess I just missed reviewing it.

I don't know how Mr. T materialized like that. Well, he is Mr. T. I loved the voices and animation as always. I thought this would actually show us the level. Well, more than that. It seems like this should be an actual game here.

I assume it would be Robotnik's body. I mean, he is really disgusting. The diarrhea is just lame to me. It's still good for a quick laugh. I knew this would be short.

I loved this cartoon! It was just so adorable! It's hard to make movie monsters cute, but you did it! You really do have great animation. I noticed that you set a record here. You are the most prolific artist to have every one of your cartoons win an award! Call Guinness World Records!

The music was great. This is just so much fun. My favorite was probably the first bit. It just set everything up so well. Your style is awesome.

The sprite was great, but I didn't find it to be that good. It's mostly because there isn't much that happened. I was expecting some bigger finish. Well, the voice acting was nice. It sounds like someone who worked on "Dragonball Z". It's a great imitation.

The balls are inert. Maybe that's what got me in the mood. It did get unpredictable at the end. It just should have been longer. Loved the Team Rocket reference.

I was wondering what this had to do with skaters at first. It just seemed to be going into another direction. I just noticed "Eric Clapton" sounds a lot like "Eric Cartman". He's much nicer, though. I remember those scooters. They're pretty much gone nowadays.

I was so impressed by the animation here. For semi stick figures, it was very well done. I've seen so many flashes it's hard to remember them. I can't keep up with the other ones. I still love this, though.

Well, it's nice to have you back more or less. I admit that the animation does seem better. Foamy looks like he has bags under his eyes. He's probably been drinking too much coffee. Caffeine is a drug, remember! Anyway, this was rather enjoyable.

Opposing religious beliefs? I've seen so much stand up comedy I'm immune to that stuff by now. You couldn't possibly be more offensive than Doug Stanhope. Could still use more animation. Why would Foamy animate something?

Oh yeah, I know about Aniboom. This reminded me of an episode of "Family Guy" where one of Meg's Care Bears committed suicide. Family Guy did it? The animation is amazing. I love how George just plops around out of the elevator. Chameleon can be offensive too.

You really do have unique characters here. You have no clue what's going to happen next. That image at the very end's pretty disturbing too. I like the story progression. The voices are of course great too.

I didn't know you made these Awesome shorts too. Well, it's more or less a meme. I loved the animation. I do wish I was more familiar with the series. Well, I saw a parody of it in "Dexter's Laboratory". Yeah, I get a lot of information from parodies.

This was just so fun. I love the Mom joke at the end. I knew there'd be a sex joke like that. Trixie was great too. A pity this anime is more forgotten nowadays.

I was wondering what the name meant. It sounded like some weird tribute to "Johnny The Homicidal Maniac". The animation was so awesome in this. It's hard to tell which artist was my favorite. Okay, off the top of the head, I would probably say Terkoiz1. He's my favorite of you all in general.

My favorite part was probably with the demon. I also loved the closeups. In stick cartoons, that can be quite unique. I love how there's so much going on. It's everything you could want and more.

I seriously think this had some of the best music I've heard in a flash cartoon. Then again it did get weak with the "Breaking The Habit" part. This could have been labeled a music video. Of course, the action is great. I can see why the rating is so high. That's one weird title. I don't play "Counter Strike".

I don't know what the names mean, okay! The stick animation probably could have been a little slicker. It still has everything you could want. CS really has given us great movies. It's been awhile since I heard "Who Let The Dogs Out".

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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