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Piconjo Jams? I had completely forgot about those! Actually, Piconjo's been around for 17 years. Maybe you were referring to the Piconjo jams? Wow, I remember Livecorpse! A pity he isn't credited on the sides, though that would be impossible, I believe.

It's definitely a creative collab. I never heard of one where you didn't just click on the entries to go. Well, with this new format, you can't do that. How about a Piconjo Jelly? I see the Marmalade joke was already there.

This wasn't for Piconjo Day? I really loved the animation. It's great how Salad Fingers is in his own world. You'd think he'd be the most violent one. It's cool to imagine what destruction's going on behind the black. It's not under Piconjo Day!

You deserve a high score for that. It's Friday and nothing FNF related? I like how these cartoons don't have characters like Sonic. See, the Internet can create original characters! This is pretty funking good!

That was the Tricky theme at the end! There should be a Tricky Day! Well, that already goes with Madness Day. It was kind of too short. I wanted to see more action. I'm glad it was something.

The title's very funny. It could have been Erection. I just liked the design. Wow, Piconjo hasn't made any submissions since 2007! That's a long time for a holiday!

Piconjo responds:

I didn't maek those in 2007, just was co-authored LOL

North Korea's always easy to make fun of. This seemed a little less like "South Park". I admit it is a little redundant. It's still pretty awesome. I mean, I really liked how he was a hero this time! That's real character development.

4:20? I always notice that. I liked the pardon joke as well. Well, if Suction Cup Man could survive the fall, so could he. Wow, Daily Feature around Piconjo Day!

Sell phones? Cell phones! Anyway, this was awesome. Congratulations on such a high score. These cartoons are short, yet awesome. The best joke was probably about all the porn at the end.

Well, you could say that about...anything, I guess. I don't know how corrupt Samsung is. It could never be as corrupt as Viacom. Oh, I get the name pun now. It got weird fast.

Wow, this was really weird. Like, even by the standards of your other cartoons. Happy Piconjo Day, more or less. That might as well be a celebration of everything Newgrounds related. That's what Pico Day has become! Man, are her boobs big.

I liked how there was relation at the end. That was actually kind of heartwarming. Hey, if he's bigger than her mother, I'd say he's legal for her. Her boobs still can't match his muscle size. Normally, the legs are the bulkier limbs.

You remastered something only a few years old? This is still nice. It does make it look less like "South Park". My favorite part is probably the billionaire dying. It did go on a bit too long. It's still very funny.

Happy Piconjo Day! Well, this has nothing to do with Piconjo, but boy have we gotten high rated stuff here lately! We do that a lot. I don't know the physics of using suction cups like that. I do know plungers wouldn't work.

Wow, that was rather strange. There weren't even any credits. Still, this fit the Piconjo Day theme quite well. You know, cheesy animation. I'm not going to look back at the names so I can describe my favorite parts. Happy Piconjo Day 2021! Didn't know the holiday would bring such liked cartoons.

These are all pretty much the same. I was thinking the first segment would be the only one. I'll never run out of new people to find that work on collabs. It's always great to welcome new animators. It was fun for something really stupid.

What a great cartoon! My only complaint is that it did get repetitive. It's hard to read the title of something so long. I guess it doesn't matter. The animation is still fantastic. Put this in the FNF Jam collection!

Well, I guess it doesn't work that way. I loved how goofy it was. The head things were great too. As expected, the beat is great. If only I was a fan of the original FNF!

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