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That was very enjoyable! I truly am surprised you did something so different. You know, by showing the whole eyes. Boy, do I love "Peanuts". Never eat plastic. That lasts a long time.

Then again, it isn't as recyclable as aluminum. That may be even less healthy. Loved the "check please" joke at the end. Yeah, I like meat but I don't really eat it that much anymore. More of a habit.

That was a great anti-climax! Climax, now that sounds dirty. The animation was amazing. Not in the cartoon he made in the cartoon of course. It looks like someone from "Dick Figures". That's a great cartoon.

I appreciate the "Titanic" reference. That's too bad no women were slept with. A woman might have gotten naked though. At least her underwear. Great little cartoon.

Ockeroid responds:

Oh man I remember getting reviews from you on my old cartoons!!

Thanks for the review man!

Hmm, usually it's down to Ronald McDonald and the Burger King. Nice to have something different. You didn't need that many panty shots of Wendy. The hottest Wendy I know is from "Gravity Falls". Hey, they're both redheads! Cancer's a big accusation!

Ronald hit the ground first anyway. Anyone who takes hours to power up should lose. Nice tribute to tournament arcs. Seems like you rarely see the McDonald's characters anymore. Well, I don't see that many commercials.

Honestly, I thought that was hilarious! At first, it seemed like it would be really dumb. Then it actually did end up working as something really goofy. It was nice to hear the boyfriend talk. The noises in these could get annoying. It's just a fun little cartoon.

We need more lower quality looking videos like this. Well, we're at an age where the majority of people here won't even remember that. This will no doubt be in the Jam section. Wait, is this just a fan video and not part of the Jam? It's so good it should still be there.

This reminded me of "The Northern Incident". You know, with weird scary things popping out of the woods for no reason. I admit to never even having heard of Dababy. This really was sincerely scary. I thought they'd be chest bursters. I'm glad they weren't.

This was still very disturbing. It was still wonderfully animated though. It's even a very original idea. Just don't show it to people unfamiliar with your work. This really did get very creepy.

This was some weird audio. It didn't quit fit what was on screen. I still appreciated it. Aww, I thought we were done with these cartoons. Doesn't matter, as they're still awesome. She was only one year old?

Boy, do they grow up fast these days. It was just a fun little cartoon. Been a little while since we saw one of these get Daily Feature. I always have to check out those! It's just a habit.

That was actually a nice sweet little cartoon. I expected the robot to be goofy. Seemed like a Mega Man reject villain. This wasn't so much a comedy. It seemed pretty serious. I really did get their relationship.

I did get their relationship. Maybe I've just seen too many FNF cartoons lately. This was indeed very interesting. It's weird how I missed this. The score holds up!

That was so much fun! I will admit it was too short. I was just hoping for more. It's still definitely worth seeing! The different styles were great. You don't see too many "Parappa The Rapper" cartoons here.

Maybe it's just because music is so popular. You'd think a rapping game would be more well known here. It's really nice that it was done for someone's birthday! Even the title's cool. Happy birthday, indeed!

This was great and very odd. That's what made it great! This is the most mundane of all the ones in this series. That's what made it so unique! It really made a creepy atmosphere. I mean, it seemed like something bad would happen any minute.

Who knows? Maybe this is an important episode in the long run. The animation is...I don't need to say it. I think this was a realistic depiction of jail. Well, more of an asylum.

It was great to see those videos. I didn't need to see the pictures of Otis' feces, though. I admit the technique was quite bad. You know, with how thin the video was. Anyway, this was still great. This is why I'm into cats.

My own cat is slowly dying. I had no idea a dog could get that big. At least it's not a baby panda. You know how small those things are? At least you have a wife.

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