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Don't worry, I didn't need to turn down the volume. I admit this wasn't one of your best. I do love the animation as always. I'm glad the characters were annoyed by it. That's a big part of comedy! I've never seen teeth like this on these characters!

They're the sharpest I've ever seen! I know the song is "Dream On". That's such a popular song you can always recognize it. It's weird to have "fanart" as a tag. I've never done karaoke.

I admit this wasn't the funniest. It was still pretty cool! It seems liked the actual action was the highlight here. How was this a music video? There were no lyrics! Well, you can call it whatever you want.

They weren't even commenting on what was going on that much. It seemed like original dialogue. I know we will never run out of scenarios for these guys to appear in. Oney needs his own section here. So does Game Grumps, probably.

This was a pretty fun little cartoon. It was quite unpredictable. The author comments were hilarious. The title works out well. It kind of reminds me of "Ratatouille". That has to be some health code violation.

The animation was pretty unique. Wow, you already have a sweatshirt for this? That's quick marketing. I'm kind of annoyed by this TikTok-like presentation. It's still pretty good.

Maybe it could be longer, but this was still amazing. The lip synching went perfect. You can never go wrong with this animation. This seemed really personal. Mario looks especially cute. I'm glad we're getting Mario stuff that isn't just movie parodies.

It was kind of intimate with Peach here. No, not in that way. Sometimes, simply using other audio works. I would have liked to see the product's title at the end. So much stuff is sponsored nowadays.

Wow, I wasn't expecting something this amazing! It was just incredible! I didn't quite understand why Sora appeared at the end, but the dialogue made it all clear. It was weird to hear him suddenly talking. I'm not that familiar with the Super Mario RPG series. I know a lot of it from Kirbopher.

It was truly interesting to see a storyline from the Mario franchise. Honestly, the first minute would have just been enough! Oh, I remember these guys from "Super Mario Bros. Z". Everything was just so gorgeous and full of action. Any fan of anything should love this. It's an easy perfect score.

BERALAI responds:

Im glad there is a continuation of some sort in newer animations with these characters. It helps to keep him going on and introduce him to newer viewers.

If you ever get a chance, try the Super Mario RPG out! Its a fun game! You'll notice all the abilities and weapons from the animation as well as the bosses.

I appreciate your watch dude! Thanks!

Well, maybe it could have been longer, but it was still awesome. It would have made more sense to have 111,111 9s and one 1. Wow, that's an odd sentence. I did think this was wonderfully animated. It was nice to see everyone in Heaven. It's great to see all the characters.

I love that "Friends" thing at the end. It was very uplifting. It's a bit weird you'd submit this here. Well, we need all the stuff we can get! I got used to hearing "1".

Wow, what a cute animation! I was amazed at how good the animation was! This seems exactly like the kind from the actual series! I know the animation is like "Dragonball Z". You know, I really appreciate it when I can recognize anime styles. They're not all the same, you know.

Anime deserves its great reputation! I like how light-hearted it is. There doesn't need to be that much epic action. You'd like something like "Dragonball Z" would be. Hey, I rhymed!

The Joker honestly looks haunting in this. I know you mean "The Batman". How many Batman/Joker continuities are there? You do such great work with Legos. I still think Robert Pattinson is the best Batman. No, it's still Kevin Conroy.

How could I forget him? Anyway, this was wonderfully done. You really did capture the insanity of the Joker. There's only men in jail. How can he get pussy there?

Damn, Pikachu is huge. Meowth's Japanese voice is annoying. I especially love seeing him in really anything. He's my favorite pokemon. I love the idea of a pokemon platformer. It seems like we should have something like that by now.

We've done everything with pokemon! The animation was fantastic. I don't know why Weedle would be a player character. No wonder Meowth was so mad! I love these fake commercials.

Hey, another infinite loop! Those have been quite popular today. It was great to see Queen Chrysalis again. Oh wait, the character's name is Amara. I just love calling her by that other name. This was a very fun little short.

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