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I thought this was a pretty good pilot. It was interesting to see all those cameos. You even make fun of this in a later episode. The best joke was probably the Breakfast Club. Yeah, I was thinking it was like College University or Family Guy too! I guess it's something to do with Optimus Prime.

He's in everything nowadays. It's nice to be introduced to these characters. The animation does look primitive. It definitely gets better later on. It's cool to see where the series started.

This is so weird, because it looked really cheap at first. I was confused as to why people would like this. I'm so glad it got better as it went on. The best part was probably when it showed them fighting in their spaceships. I certainly wasn't expecting that! The animation got better.

The cats look like Figaro from Pinocchio. They must have been modeled after him. This was certainly unpredictable. There seemed to be different styles of animation in this. The title made it look too silly.

I think this was probably the best in the entire series, so far at least. It was just great how you showed all these different genres. The best part with probably with the dogs. It was just great to see that cheesy CGI. The live-action guy appearing was cool too.

There's always something unpredictable from you. Then...isn't it predictable if I know it will always be like that? The parts seemed to have a good running time. Well, there were only two ones that were particularly long. It's nice and unique.

This was lots of fun. I loved how you saved the best for last. The animation is awesome too. It seemed like the last two weren't realistic at all. You simply couldn't have that happen to you in real life. I still appreciate how funny it is.

Minecraft is just so immensely popular. Everything was moving so wonderfully in this. It's great to so much stuff going on. You have no clue what will show up next. The colors were awesome as well.

I admit that it was dumb in some places, but it was still really funny. My favorite was probably the "Made ya think" part. It was great how you had all these voices! I'm glad Paul ter Voorde is still around. I love how you used the "Dinosaurs" music at the end. Damn, was that a good show.

It was cool to see those different animation styles. The CGI really stood out. It was stupid, but entertainingly so. I'm glad it had numerous segments. I haven't gotten into this series much, so I guess I wouldn't know. It's pretty nice.

I found this to be a decent cartoon. The animation was quite good. I could see this becoming a series. What a coincidence, I was just talking about "The Pygmy Shrew" on the forums. You know how to make something unique. I guess he got what he deserved.

While just one joke, it was quite funny. It was pretty amusing to see Hector with that big leg. Len is pretty close to the word "Leg". The music was nice and colorful. Then again, it ALL was!

I admit that I'm not really into this series. It just seems kind of dumb. A teacher's practically beating a kid to death. I find that just dumb. It's because this is supposed to set itself off as being somewhat realistic. It just seems needlessly cruel.

I know, that sounds a bit hypocritical. I love Madness Combat, which is chock full of violence. What I don't like about this is that it's so stupidly outrageous it makes no sense for the world it creates. I'm sorry, but this episode in particular comes off as too sadistic. The animation's pretty good, though.

I kind of felt this was a bit too long. Why isn't this in the clay collection? It won Daily 2nd Place! That ought to count for something! It was weird to see actual people in this. Well, not actual people, but you get the idea.

It's pretty unpredictable. Your clay effects are getting better. Maybe it's just because you used a different format. I guess this wasn't well remembered. It's still pretty nice.

Yep, this is one of Randy Solem's most viewed cartoons for a reason. It has great emotional value to it. I really do feel bad for Mario. The music was just perfect. At first, I thought this would just end before the main battle. It actually started some of it! I am so glad it went the extra mile.

That "Titanic" music still gets to me. Why did it say "To be concluded"? There were three more in the series! I liked when Yoshi crapped out that one guy. The sprite work still holds up well, probably because most of us don't use it anymore.

It didn't seem quite like two minutes to me. Oh well, it was still awesome! It was so weird how this had one of the most generic names ever. It was just the same name of the thing you were referencing. I still found this to be enjoyable, as it had lots of great action. I've never played the games, but have seen lots of flashes about them here.

It's great that there's so much going on. It's pretty basic action. You got the designs down quite well. I mean, I guess I can't quite judge since I haven't seen much of the actual game. It still looks awesome!

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