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Wow, this was 2003! I can't believe the animation! Well, CGI was in most cartoons at this point. The music was great too. I admit it was short. It was still awesome.

I remember this character. Why don't these guys have their own section? This guy has a long history. At least there's a good number of views. It holds up.

I thought this would be a comedy at first. I'm just so used to parodies here. I still liked this. I admit the drawings could be better. I like the simplistic title. It is a pretty nice tribute.

I've never played "Max Payne". Well, I've never played most of the games that I see being parodied here. I like that song. It was probably too short. Still watchable.

Where was the candy? When I heard this title, it reminded me of "Adventure Time". Princess Bubblegum could shoot candy out of her palm! This had little to do with candy. I just thought it was okay. It was nothing too interesting.

The animation was just okay. It's nothing to really remember. I did like that rocket at the end. At least the ending was good. You get better later, duh.

That was incredible! This has some of the best animation I've ever seen! It seems like there's fewer and fewer great cartoons on this website. This on the other hand was so awesome! I just loved every character! The great voice acting made the characters so real!

I also loved the setup. I really had no idea what would happen next! A pity this was released shortly after Halloween. Close enough I guess. I love how it's labeled "Episode 1". Hopefully, there will be more!

I thought this was pretty good. I liked the poo ending the most. I always wondered why he was called that. I'm not that familiar with "Earthbound". It's still nice to watch. The sprite work was good.

Lightsabers are always cool. How unexpected! The setup is good. There isn't that much to say about it. Your (AntiClockClock) other stuff is better.

Too many episodes! The first one had four tests. I thought those were the first four episodes! I guess the animation isn't terrible. The square design is kind of nice. It's just not rewarding.

I always want to see more variety. Episode 4 was a ripoff of an episode of "Happy Tree Friends". Well, we all have to start somewhere. I can see some creativity. It's just too long.

I thought it was pretty well done. I mean, I want to see people use different styles. It was still pretty crude. Well, as in the execution. I wish it wasn't a loop. Hell if I know how to change that.

Ben made "Pee Man". I guess he just liked pee. The "Stick Slayer" series is much better. This didn't work out that well. Glad to know he tried.

Oscar looks like he has boobs. Why would I join if I'm not Latino? Well, I do like equal opportunities. There wasn't much going on. It's just showing off names and people. There's nothing mean spirited about it.

I always want to learn about other cultures. I guess the music's alright. It's just forgettable. Well, some people like it. You've made better stuff.

I guess what I didn't like about this was how it was just a series of images. I still enjoyed it. I guess it isn't welcome because it's not a cartoon. Well, we do have everything by everyone here! It's really serious. I'm more used to goofy stuff here.

The voice was great. I think this should haveI had a sequel. I would like to see this story develop. It's set up so nicely. It reminds me of "A. I.: Artificial Intelligence".

I really liked this! I'm surprised it isn't one of Ben's more popular videos. The sprite work was great. It wasn't too short or long either. It was nice to see these visuals. This had one of the strangest titles ever.

It's nice to know how flash artists know each other. Actually, both of these guys are now sadly dead. They were great! It's good for a quick cartoon. I appreciate it.

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