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This was better than I thought. It's mostly because it was really done well with the sprite work. I especially appreciate the story. I'll never get tired of that "Get away from the car, motherfucker!" line! These characters appear a lot in these cartoons. The running time was good too.

I also like how it's not just a single joke. It really does build up on itself. I've forgotten how prolific you were. I wonder who made the most sprite cartoons? The colors are really nice.

This wasn't that bad or good in my opinion. I think it's mostly because it's nice to see hand drawn animation from you. Wait, should I address you like that? I don't think your account is even active anymore. I just wanted it to be wackier. You know, with the random images.

I guess it could count as an experiment. It was kind of charming. You know, with all it was mostly drawn. I love that "South Park" clip. I'm glad there was censorship.

I believe this was your first submission, or at least an early one. Yeah, this didn't have much going for it. It needed a background. I admit that it was at least unpredictable. I thought he was going to be electrocuted or something. That pee is drawn poorly.

I will admit that there's a lot of movement going on. Everything is nicely cartoonish. I can appreciate that. I like his laugh at the end. Gee, I wonder if you get better later?

Was this supposed to be old shame? I really did like this! I admit that it reminded me of that movie "Wanted". I think that was based on a comic book. They were both about shooting. The stick figures were pretty good.

I liked how it wasn't too long or short. Were there four other entries in this series? I bet they were submitted later. I miss you too. How am I not following you?

I couldn't understand the appeal in this. I mean, it was just two candies talking. That was about it. I guess it was at least unique. It was way too boring. I can see why people don't remember them.

They're not funny at all! It's way too bland. We all like candy. This just wasn't doing it for me. You do better cartoons later. Most cartoonists do.

Oh yeah, your name's Tim Urlacher. You used BlackTangledHeart as a name for awhile. This is just one brief joke. Everyone seems to hate Jews. Well, we just make fun of them a lot. It's just too simple an idea.

I always appreciate diversity here. There's just so little to say about it. I guess the animation is okay. It's just completely forgettable. You should have had an apostrophe in that "whats".

That was amazing. I know that live-action stuff is discouraged here. This was still amazing. I think it should stay. This really has become its own series. I just love how brutal it is.

It's easy to say that with the hammer beating. I loved all of it. I assume that's you in the video. You are so strict about your message. Stupid products.

It's a shame this only has a rating of 2.60. It's really funny! I loved the live-action clip in this. It's low quality, but it's at least something different. The voices are great. It captures the absurdity of the series well.

Why didn't this have its own section?! So many lesser cartoons have one. Well, that's just my opinion. I just appreciated all of it. A pity you left.

Wait, isn't this submitted somewhere else? I guess I just forgot to review it. I do love this series. It's funny how the laugh track is so out of whack. It doesn't activate at the time I think it's funny! It's probably better that way.

I believe many of these plots are taken directly from "Star Trek" episodes. I wouldn't know as I've never seen a single episode. I've seen all the movies though. These are all entertaining characters. Didn't Jim Jenkins create "Doug"?

I thought it was just okay. The animation could obviously be better. I especially love the live-action clip. It's great to have some diversity here. Damn it, why'd they have to get rid of "Numa Numa Dance"?! Showing once a week isn't bad.

The war on porn doesn't seem like much of a thing anymore. We probably bastardize the term "War On". I guess if people are against prostitution, they'd be against porn too. It does seem like a big loophole. If only they had their own collection.

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