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Hey, it was my brother's birthday yesterday! Anyway, this was absolutely hilarious. Welcome to becoming a cartoonist here! They're some of the most cartoonish stuff I've come across in awhile! The voices and tone just fit everything perfectly. I loved the credits where she got swept up.

Damn, I wish this was a series. I'd love to learn more about these characters and see this as a full fledged series. It certainly can become one. It's easy to tell that you're into bakertoons. It was kind of too short and one note, but still great.

PutukSpitsVenom responds:

Thanks for all the kind words!
Also Baker is a friend of mine, so you're not wrong!

I never had any of these toys, except for a Furby. Well, it wasn't really a Furby. It was just a Happy Meal toy. I wish you'd do one on those toys. Wow, my family was pretty cheap. Look, I already had toys like that.

It seems like everything was like "Pokemon" back in those days. I did have an Etch A Sketch. I don't even have that anymore. I gave away most of my old toys to Goodwill. I did have a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys, though.

Here I was thinking it would just show you the letter "U". I mean, that's what the Clock Crew did! This really did have a lot going on. I hadn't seen any of the other entries before. It was great to be introduced to this series. I had no idea there would be so much going on.

Hey, I'm the 1,000th viewer! Really, I am! Please get me a prize or something! Anyway, I was thinking of what the letters spelled out. I was too invested in the actual story.

Wow, this was really fun. I mean, it's not even so much that it's vulgar. It's that you do a lot with your vulgarity. You know how to tell something innovative about your penis! You made sure you pointed out you weren't gay. This really did have effort put into it!

I mean, it can be paradoxical about penises. You want your own penis to be big, but aren't gay. You can't really say you like big penises. It just has to be your own. Oh and uh, the colors are nicely bright too.

Wow, I was loving the first part of this, but then the second part got kind of annoying. I still think it's a great cartoon. I mean, it has some of the best Lego effects I've ever seen here! Well, it's not very common here. I had no idea it would go that way. Everyone loves marijuana!

You need to listen to more comedians! It's still an extremely unexpected turn. I guess I haven't seen many "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" stuff here recently. It helps this intro song is awesome. It never gets old, even though better TMNT cartoons have been made.

Aww, I thought this would be a continuation of the Mario Bros. movie cartoon you made. This is still awesome. I had no idea it would go there. It was awesome seeing this animation. I could almost compare it to Dorkly. I didn't know it would be so humorous.

I knew there'd be a Bowsette joke. The voices were extremely appropriate. I love how Bowser's castle is drawn. I mean, how it's sprited? It's just been so long since I've seen great sprite cartoons.

Wow, it's amazing how you were able to take everything that was wrong with the movie and improve it so well. I remember how people kept complaining about how Mario's last name is Mario. That IS his last name and the creator said so. It's say right in the title, Mario brothers! I will also give this credit for at least being the first feature length film based on a video game. This truly is authentic to both properties.

I would so play a game like this. I'm glad you showed Bowser as an actual dinosaur. This really shows what you can do with sprite work nowadays. That movie has gotten higher ratings in the past couple of years. I guess they do look better with the costumes. It helps that "Super Mario World" is my favorite video game.

I have to admit the blue haired one wasn't that attractive. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that she looks younger. This uh, does have good animation. I really don't think it's worth this high a rating. Well, I'm not into erotic stuff like this. I don't spend money online.

Those are some thick camel toes. It's amazing how much you can see from behind. I'm glad it wasn't too short. I'm often impressed at how skimpy they look from behind. We get a lot of succubi here.

Yeah, that is pretty gross. Luckily, the animation here is great. Well, maybe that's not a good thing. I'm just not into "Family Guy". It's too nonsensical to really be put in a single submission. Why isn't "Family Guy" a tag?

At least he's disgusted. I have no clue what the title means. I guess I was thinking it was backwards. It would be about joke stealing. Well, given the literally thousands of cutaway gags that show has, chances are they'd have the same joke as someone else.

I thought the title said "Real World". Yeah, I'm not into reality TV. I love all the transitions of course. Maybe I would have enjoyed this even more if I was familiar with this song. There's still no doubt tons of effort went into it. I enjoyed the visuals more than the actual song.

Well, that's probably what it's all about anyway. I've had seizures and I was okay. This bunny has a really cool design. You guys still seemed to keep a pretty consistent shape with the character. This was just interesting.

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