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I thought this was the best entry in the whole series! It's mostly because it really is different than your other stuff. You know how to make some creative areas. It helped that you put some 2D stuff in this. It reminds me of a video game. In fact, probably one that's right here on this website!

We've done everything nowadays. The music was quite good. I still didn't understand the purpose. Well, you kind of explained it in the credits. It was weird to even have credits in this!

This wasn't bad. I just thought it could have been more organized. I like how it was creative. It just didn't seem to have much point. It looks like there was some good meta stuff in it. I think it was flying around the actual logo.

You could have just shown more. I wanted a more clear presentation of what was going on. It was a bit too random. It certainly wasn't terrible. A pity you aren't more popular.

This was just okay. It didn't make much sense to me. I admit that the animation was unique. At times, it worked. Most of the time, however, I thought it was just too messy. The 7th Heaven joke was pretty good.

The voices themselves weren't bad. I think there was something wrong with the mikes or something. It just comes off as too weird to me. At least there was a finale. There could have been more, though.

This was just a very sweet cartoon. While not that much of a story, I loved it for how subtle it was. There was no dialogue, which gave the characters a lot of personality. It didn't need to be too fancy or anything. It was just a relatively simple story. I praise the characterizations.

It's nice to have something so focused like this. It's just pleasant the whole way through. I rarely see flashes about lumberjacks. I want to see all kinds. I didn't quite like it as much as most people, though.

I admit that the animation doesn't really hold up well. It's still a great cartoon. It's mostly because Sarah is so funny. I really do especially like her in this. She did originally seem really sophisticated. I guess drunk girls are just funny.

It was great to see all these characters again. I didn't need to read their bios. They're just so entertaining by themselves. I love that video game joke. It even appears again at the end!

Okay, this is probably the best entry in the series. It was just so strange. I really have no clue what the point of that other demon was. It seemed like he was just filler. Well, it's still a freaking brilliant cartoon. It's mostly because it has a great twist ending.

You didn't make this as graphic as the last one. It was still quite disturbing, though. The voice work is absolutely fantastic. It was just great to listen to these voices. I do wonder whatever happened to that teddy bear, though.

While not great, this was definitely good. It's mostly because the joke is so unexpected. It seems like there were a lot of cartoons just like that out at this time. The animation is as good as ever. I think it could have been more than just one gag. I would have liked this more if it was in some sort of compilation.

I actually did get relaxed as I watched this. I mean, it doesn't seem to be that zany until the end. I like how he seems to poop out his brain. Dang, I'm weird. The sounds/music were great too.

vastcool responds:


I would not recommend this, but it wasn't bad at all. It's mostly because it did have a pretty funny and unexpected ending. I wasn't expecting them to all die. Wait, the bear was okay, right? I love the design of the Tera Eraser. It was quite nice to stand out in contrast to the mostly cheesy animation.

I think the voices need work. There wasn't that much distinction. Wouldn't Newton already be dead? I guess this eraser is a good shot. Of course, in reality, they probably wouldn't even last THAT long.

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