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Wow, I think this might be the longest movie yet on this website! It was of course much surpassed by "Demented Cartoon Movie!". Oh, another stick cartoon. I really do love this cartoon. I especially like the part with the bus. I thought that was part of his plan at first.

You had really funny voices in this. I'm surprised that something with this high a rating doesn't have a Daily Feature. You really see 2000 submissions that high. I felt like you deserved it. The animation is good for its time.

This wasn't bad. It was nice to see Mario in that location. I don't think I've ever seen him like that. It was pretty good music that was used. It was weird how this was named. You really have no idea what's going to be in it. It's so generic of a title.

I really do like seeing these old graphics. It reminds me of the good old sprite days. It's still pretty well animated. It is just one joke. Randy made better stuff later.

I admit that this was quite weird. Well, it was about acid after all! I do appreciate how you parody this. You don't see much of Curious George nowadays. There could have been more music. And everyone keeps saying acid is great.

This was one of the earliest things I saw on Newgrounds. Well, it's hard to explain it. I like the idea of men in different colored hats. I like how he just stands there while George attacks him. Well, he's probably high too.

It's great to see the start of an old flash series! It's weird how you mention that we might have slow computers. It's hardly a concern now. I really am quite impressed by this animation. I think the timing is wonderful. It's great to see all these vastly different characters.

Everyone has such a unique design. I think the girl's name was Melody? That is a nice toaster. You really do know how to set up a story. Everything is so ambiguous. The voice work is fine.

I really do like this and I'm surprised the rating isn't higher. At least it got the Daily Feature that it deserved. That knife didn't stick out at first. I probably only like this more because OJ really has been arrested now. I think it's the longest criminal charge of a celebrity ever! He deserved it.

I wish I knew who those other guys on the screen were. I always thought it was "Whoopsies!". I think it's actually "Toasties!". This flowed together pretty well. It came off as pretty authentic.

It was cool to see those green lines you drew. The sprite work really does hold up! Then again, I guess that's something that's just never changed. I do think there should have been more of a punchline. It's still quite fun. I like how you could skip their dialogue.

I wasn't expecting to see that in something so short. It was unique in that sense. The characters move around pretty well. I do miss sprite work. It's always been the same quality.

It's neat watching this with the new Star Wars movie coming out. I thought you got the voices down really well. Then again, Yoda isn't that hard. Nice to see Leia in a bikini. I shouldn't mention the Star Wars Holiday Special. The animation isn't bad.

My favorite was the Yoda bit. I recognize how an early version of Darth Vader was. It's always interesting to see old designs. Why was this submitted in August? A bit too early for Christmas.

It's great to see you make a new cartoon! I thought this would be something serious at first. I guess I didn't notice how the captain looked. This really is an interesting and cool cartoon. It works so well for its single joke. I thought he would just outright shoot them.

It's also great to see these guys on a skyship. Don't remember those since the days of "TaleSpin". I am glad to recognize your animation. It was great how you credited all the voice actors. Great to see you with another Daily Feature!

Wow, I'm now going back and looking at all the movies that have appeared on certain other games, having just finished the games section. It's simply amazing to see something this old. The question is, does it hold up? This is one of the oldest things we have. It does indeed hold up. The music is absolutely amazing!

I don't even care that you didn't make it yourself. It's absolutely beautiful! It even manages to tell a pretty interesting story. I would have liked to see more movement, though. The artwork is still quite good, at least for its time.

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