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I thought this was better than the original, mostly because of how it was animated. I admit that I'm not that familiar with this Weird Al song. I'm also not that familiar with the songs he was parodying either. The artwork was still great. I was wondering what it would be at first. I thought maybe it would be the "Bohemian Rhapsody" song changed for "Lost".

Yes, that was awhile ago. It's weird to be watching this now. We shall remember this show. I love seeing all those faces again. Well, at least the ones you drew with this weird technique.

This is a great cartoon! My only complaint is that it was too short. You were really getting into some good philosophy with this! The animation was great too. The title set off a good bit of simplicity. It's nice to see something so slice of life.

The girl's voice was flaweless. So was the man's voice! I wish I could be in a place with snow. I live in Florida, BTW. Short, but definitely got its message across.

I will admit that Jill looks kind of hot. That is Jill, right? It was great to look at all of these characters. I just love being introduced to them like that. The animation is really nice. You have changed some over the years.

It was nice to list all the different characters and their actors. It showed good concern for these guys! The last part was the best. It's great that this got so popular. I unfortunately don't remember the commercial.

That wasn't bad. It just didn't seem like anything memorable. I do like how it's fairly well drawn. It was great to see a live-action photo there! It makes you realize how much we rely on wieners. Yeah, that's definitely sounding dirty.

The voices were pretty good. I guess I would have probably had to seen the movie. I'm not really into those of course. This was kind of different than what you usually do. All stereotypical Italians sound like Mario.

That wasn't that good, but was that the point? Was this video supposed to make fun of how these videos are dumb? Is it just saying that in a cartoon there's no point in doing it? I kept thinking there was something deeper I was missing on. The animation was pretty good. It was just too short.

I appreciate how it is different than other submissions. That doesn't make it good, of course. Okay, it was probably just meant to be a dumb cartoon. You certainly succeeded in that. I would never do that on purpose for the Internet.

This was fairly weird, but quite good. I enjoy how unpredictable it is. At first, I thought it was changing to whatever my screen was on. Of course, then it would be a game. Well, you can always have games that have both. Anyway, the music was fairly good.

I like how you include different languages with text. I just appreciate how you're creative. It might have been a little bit too long. I wish I knew what the name meant. I know I've reviewed stuff like this before, but this is apparently the first in the series?

This was a really cute cartoon. I admit that I don't really understand how that's even possible. I mean, it shows a guy's hand being cut off! Well, I guess these guys don't technically have hands. How do they hold stuff up anyway? Anyway, the animation as really nice in this.

The stick figures moved very fluidly. I really did find myself liking this captain. He just had a really fun attitude. I appreciate how you made something so nice out of such a basic idea. I'm glad it's in two flash collections!

Wow, I'm amazed at how well this holds up! This really is a great cartoon! My only complaint was that it should have been longer. You would have told more of a story. The voice acting is still great. I had no idea it was referencing "Ninja Gaiden".

I'm at least somewhat familiar with the series. This is pretty weird, but it's still fantastic. I'm surprised nobody made tributes to this when Ben Spurgin died. This is his most acclaimed work ever! I mean, at least in terms of winning awards.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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