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Congratulations for being the most viewed submission for Robot Day! While not great, I enjoyed this. I was afraid he was going to use the robots for umm, bad purposes. The animation is really what makes this stand out. I think that for the most part, I liked it. Some of it seemed a bit too dark, though.

I like how this is full of spirit. While not becoming that well known, it achieved some success. I like how fast it goes. The animation really captured me at the beginning of this. It seems good for a pilot.

Congratulations on winning the Daily Feature for Robot Day! I just now realized congratulations is spelled with a T and not a D. I really did like this. It's quite an original idea. I thought they were going to be huge. It was of course a lot more entertaining that they were smaller.

Hey, I still read the Sunday comics! Not the other ones of course. I kept thinking of the lego movie at the end. Dang, that was just so awesome I keep thinking about it. This seems worthy of a series.

I thought that this was a very sweet cartoon. I don't recall the last time you used non human animals. You made so many, it's hard to keep track. I really did appreciate how good the animation was. I knew they would be reunited. I'm glad people like simple stuff like this.

While simple, it still tells a good story. It seems to be less cartoonish than your other pencilmations. It didn't seem as comedy based. I like a shift in tone every now and then. Bunnies are really cute too.

Happy Robot Day! I had almost forgotten about this. It seems like I was too busy with the game jams and stuff. I thought this could have been better, but it was still good. I think the animation wasn't that good. I never though I'd say this, but I miss the gross stuff you make.

This was just something different for you. I didn't know if it was an endless loop or not. It was not. I guess I was just expecting more action. It is a pretty catchy tune, though.

Did he say "pantomime"? I feel so dumb for not being able to hear it perfectly. I really did like this cartoon, though. I guess the reactions are just so well done in this. I love how the characters are all such plain stereotypes. I like how you don't know what's going to happen next.

I could tell there would at least be something kind of sexual in this. You really have no idea where it's going. While short, I felt it got its message across. You don't see any famous clowns anymore. The voices are probably the best part.

It was weird because I had no idea why it was under the "A" rating. It certainly made more sense in the very end. It's hard to even make a synopsis of this. All I know was that everything turned into tentacles and there were astronauts. I guess you could compare it to "2001: A Space Odyssey". It's a great cartoon.

It mostly works because of how great the animation is. Everything flows so well here. I wish I knew the message this was sending. Don't go into space? I think if the world was eaten, we would know it by now.

Well, it's not your first thing in ten years. You did make the Peter Griffin soundboard in 2006, so it was eight years of anything. I still understand that this is an unbelievable achievement. I think you have set a record here! As for the cartoon itself, it wasn't bad. It actually reminds me of a funny news article I red about.

It said a guy had air pumped into him accidentally and it took him three days to burp and fart it all out. True story! This certainly was something different from you. I'm always loyal to my favorite authors. I'd love to see you do more stick stuff.

Ringfinger responds:

My first "animation" in ten years, the soundboard doesn't really count as a cartoon ;) But still you're right. An achievement, maybe, but I do intend on making more and improved content. Thanks for staying loyal for all these years though!

There are actually a lot of people who make shorter cartoons. This still stood out as short from you, though. I loved this cartoon! I think it's one of your best ever! It's mostly because it's great to see these animation and voices again, but there's also quite a bit of action in it. Yeah, I wanted to see that.

I had no idea there were even humans in this world. I think you mixed it up in a nice manner. It's great to get to know these characters more. They seem to always have good intentions. Everything just goes so smoothingly. I don't know how I missed a Daily Feature like this!

I like the notion of bosses like this. Then again, you weren't quite referring to video game bosses. I think it's great that you told us about how to make a webcomic. Granted, I'd probably never do it myself. Again, it seemed more like he'd be making a game.

I still think the animation is great. It is a really uplifting story. I'm glad I don't have a boss like this. We're on very good terms. I hope everything works out well for you.

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