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I can see why this won Daily Feature. I was quite impressed at what this turned out to be a really surrealist cartoon. I love that stuff. It's great to see such wonderful colors too. I still don't really understand what's going on, but I don't care. The voices were fairly good too.

I like how unpredictable it is. You really have no clue what's even going on in the beginning. 2013 isn't that long ago! Everything seems to move quite fluidly. It's very nicely done.

Okay, I admit that this was nothing that original. I still really liked this. It's mostly because of how good the animation is. I am getting tired of these Expendables movies. Granted, I've never seen any of them, but there are a lot. It was great to include other people like Ray Romano.

Everything seemed to flow rather well. I like the realistic explosion at 1:34. Been awhile since I've referenced an actual specific time in a review. I also like the beginning of the explosion at the very end. Stingers are usually nice.

Yeah, I can't really recommend this. I will admit that it's kind of nice to see. This isn't really a suitable website for that kind of stuff. I still thought this wasn't bad. I do like to see how the process is done. It just isn't good in itself, not enough to be a submission.

It's laid out in a good manner. I remember the elements from the game. I'm glad it wasn't a few seconds long. You'd be surprised at how many people submit stuff like that. You've done much better, obviously.

Wow, I was really impressed by this! I hope it wins Daily Feature! The title was weird, because only a fraction of this was about chasing Mr. Big. Maybe you were also referring to when he went on stage with them? It was great to see all this detail. You had no idea what was coming up next.

I actually felt bad about him dying at the end. This guy was insane! At least he went out with a literal bang. The voices were wonderful too. You make awesome cartoons.

I think this is probably your longest cartoon in this series. I'm glad it didn't go on forever. It just seemed kind of weird for it to be that long. I appreciate how you put an actual ongoing story with this. It just seemed so silly you wouldn't have one. The animation and voice work is as good as ever.

My favorite part is the princess with the rainbow. Reminds me of MLP. BTW, you should totally make cartoons about that, hee hee. I also liked the beginning with the skull. I don't know why Fernando hit his mentor, it's just funny that he did.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

although the second episode, ultimate street yacht battle, is longer than this, the two parts of this story when put together will be much longer. i've only ever seen the first two eps of MLP, i don't know enough about it to parody it.

I didn't find it great, but this was pretty good. I think the best part is probably how there were actually female characters! Well, one had a penis, so I guess not quite. You pretty much never see them there. How do these guys reproduce? They certainly have more killed than can be created!

I also found the music to be quite ambitious. It was pretty unpredictable. I don't think it followed a real story. Then again, when has it ever? Okay, I guess newer episodes have that.

Well, it'll probably be your last cartoon for the year! It was really weird to see this animation. I thought it would be something more graceful. That really was a pleasant surprise! It seems like you rarely make cartoons like that. She really was anything but sweet!

I wasn't expecting all that gore to appear. It worked out quite well! It seemed too slow moving at first. It's great when something execeeds your expectations. Not a masterpiece, but good.

This was a lot of fun! You seem to have the same voice as Jazza. As you him under another name? The name does sound like it. I like the animation and voices. I guess it wasn't the dark knight films themselves you were spoofing.

Another Thanksgiving cartoon! I'm glad to have found these. You don't see many things about that holiday here. It was funny just to look at the designs. A pity the pies were not characters.

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