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I have to admit that I have no idea what "piles" are. I can see the word "hemorrhoids", so I'm going to assume that's what they are. It's amazing how many disgusting things you make songs of. Piles is probably some British term. I'm glad I don't have to deal with them. In a weird sense, this was educational.

I keep wondering what disgusting thing will show up next. I really don't want to give you any ideas. I'm glad they eventually go away. Well, at least it seems like they're going away. This was pretty catchy as most of your songs are.

koit responds:

There's a massive repository of filth out there waiting to be mined. :)

I have to admit that this NATA round has given us some unique stuff. I had no idea what was going to happen next. While a bit too short, still very nicely done. I especially love how it is a pretty feel good movie. I mean, someone's getting some money out of this. I guess I just wasn't expecting it to go so casual.

Well, it didn't quite at the end. The voices were quite good. I like how strong you put these emotions in the characters. I had no idea something for NATA would get such a high score. Good for you, dude!

Brewster responds:

I'm actually really surprised at the score for this one. Thanks for the kind words

I think this is the best thing I've ever seen in any of the NATA rounds! It really was wonderful. You managed to show so much happening in such a short amount of time! The best part was probably at the end. I really did find myself rooting for this guy! He went on quite an adventure.

I thought you'd just be cruel and let him go thirsty at the end. Thank God for cows! The animation was fantastic with the colors and movement! A pity this had nothing to do with the fourth of July. Then again, it was about something hot. I live in Florida, that's me all the time.

This is the lowest rated thing under this NATA round?! It's great! Granted, there aren't many things there yet. If nothing else, it shows how good this round is. While not a favorite, this was still quite wonderful. It was hard to develop those characters in such short a time, I bet.

I really appreciate the animation and music too. It looks like most submissions don't have dialogue. You still know how to tell a story, dude! The colors were done very nice. Short, but certainly sweet.

As the only one I have seen, I have to say that this is the best in NATA 2014 - Round 2. Hey, it's not 2014 yet! I appreciate how the animation is really good in this. I'm not quite sure what this had to do with desperate measures. Then again, it's a fairly ambiguous term. I like the notion of robots eating breakfast.

Everything moves quite fluidly here. If you made this longer, it could probably be better. I know that was difficult given the time frame. I was surprised by the lack of sound at first. It certainly got better.

Butzbo responds:

Thank you Ericho!
Maybe the take on the theme was a bit subtle this time, but the 'measure' was definitively his "head throw".
And I couldn't agree more!, I really wanted to develop this little "world" a little more, although I couldn't get really far during the 4 days of animation.

I am pretty disappointed that this was not longer. Then again, the single joke works. I have certainly seen this meme around a lot. It's always nice when Newgrounders get in on it. The animation was fantastic. I had no idea Luigi could be so evil.

Come on, he's had like three of his own games already! Well, he is about as strong as Mario. I'm not even sure of the difference between them anymore. I like how the coin clicks off. The little things are nice.

I love this, because the final punchline is so awesome. I didn't even notice that it said "Rude" at first. I'm just so used to reading it with "rube". The animation was great as always. The only bit of dialogue you had was really quite well done. It was quite different than your other stuff.

You are so prolific it makes sense you do so many things. I was in no way expecting that. It was nice just to see all that stuff together. It had a really sincere tone to it. It was well done.

I really love the cartoonish nature that you put in these! I think the best part was probably how you kept it up the whole time. Granted, it would be hard for you to really do wrong in that area, seeing as how it's so short. You still make a great use of the time. It reminds me of an episode of "Doug" where he made a painting of just footprints. The situation was the same too.

I was not expecting that picture at the end. It was great to see all those cats. I thought the first cats we saw were going to be the parents and they would be mad at him. It was unpredictable in that sense. I'm glad it won Daily Feature.

This didn't seem that good at first. It truly got better when the action started going! I am glad to have seen the whole thing. The animation really was quite good in this. I think the voices are wonderful too. There are simply so many pokemon it's hard to keep track.

It seems only fair you would give a lesser known one the limelight here. Granted, I don't really play the games, so I don't know how rare these things are. I like the talking Togepi. He's so wonderfully deadpan. the animation was fantastic.

I love this cartoon simply because it's such a perfect satire. There have been an amazing number of Sonic cartoons that have been made. All of them were unique. I had no idea this is what the new Sonic would look like. Hey, nothing can beat the awfulness of "Sonic Underground". I like the little things you show at one point.

One of them says "Turns Out I Was Allergic To Rubber Gloves This Whole Time". Another is "I Work As A Loo-Roll Holder At The Club On Sunday Nights". Yet another says "Because They Said I Should Give Myself A Pat On The Back". I love the guy's voice too. I had no idea it was CGI.

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