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I'm sorry but I didn't care much for this. There was just so little going on. It was just a skull and a spider swatting stuff. It reminded me of the Mr. Skullhead show. Those "Good Idea, Bad Idea" segments were great. The skull's kind of yellow.

I guess the music was okay. There's just so little going on. I can't recommend it. It's still not terrible. Well, you still have a rather high rating. Good for you and your fans.

"The Sims" isn't the best selling video game. I'm pretty sure "Wii Sports" is. Well, that wouldn't make for much material. I love this guy's voice. It's so goofy. What's so bad about not aging?

Cartoon characters do that all the time! The length of this was good too. I thought in the opening you would mention supernatural stuff. Well, maybe that wasn't in the original Sims. I only played SimCity.

Tomamoto really is in everything! It's hard to not misspell his name as "Tomato". This was still great. It's nice to see how this has aged. We finally caught and killed Bin Laden! Oh wait, you're Canadian.

Well, you probably wanted to see him dead too. The animation was so gorgeous. I loved the roman numeral joke at the end. At this point, sequels don't use roman numerals. That shiv scene is scary.

Great to have LegendaryFrog back! I admit this wasn't as big as most of the other cartoons. It's mostly because it just doesn't have many characters. It's still very funny. The animation is as good as ever. It's great to see how LegendaryFrog's artwork has evolved over the years.

The best part was easily the logic bomb. It seems like a pretty obvious idea. I still don't quite recognize these characters. It's hard to tell when the episodes are so spread apart. I bet this will win an award!

Toonwerks responds:

Thanks! It HAS been awhile since the last episode... we took a couple years off to make a series called "LLOYD" with Brad "The Cinema Snob" Jones. We're hoping to do more Wonders now though!

We did a podcast about what went on here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io40kEEJw78

I admit that the only person I remembered was linda-mota. I guess with a collab this massive, you'd simply HAVE to use at least one person I was familiar with. My favorite bit was probably the longest one. The animation is just so funny there! Everything just bounces around. The CGI game trailer was good too.

I was skeptical of a massive Pac-Man parody. I mean, it has no plot. It's said the guy was playing it since 1999. Billy Mitchell actually set his record in 2004. Well, maybe he heard of it then.

Oh! Coming out on the second of every month! I get it! This was great and I do feel these are getting more enjoyable all the time. My favorite was the one with Shadow and Cream. Seeing the darkest and lightest characters interact is awesome.

I think I actually saw that before. Sonic Uncut, was it? It's great to see all the different animation styles. My favorite is still thewax70. I still don't know most of you guys.

I admit that I did miss Ingus. This just kind of seemed too short. It didn't give that much in the long run. Still, it was something. I liked the animation. Bears are usually pretty entertaining. It's fine for a quick laugh.

Well, most people love it. I've never shoplifted before. Well, I don't think most people have. Then again, I don't really know the penalty. Maybe it is jail?

This was fine for what it was. It was just meant to convey a single message. That's what it did! It wasn't great though. It would have worked better as part of a collab. You know, like the Star Syndicate always does.

I can't believe I'm praising them. Well, you are part of them. I hope it all works out for you. I hope you're not feeling depressed. I am.

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