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The artwork in this really was very impressive. I'm not into this sort of thing. Then again, I do consider "The Ultimate Orgy" to be one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Well, I still love it. I have to appreciate artwork that is this good. It wasn't as long as the "Take On Me" song.

It probably didn't need to be. It still sounded great. There was obviously a lot of effort put into it. Everyone can still enjoy this. It has no plot, but that's okay.

It's so hard to keep up with this series. There's so many characters and so many complicated plots! I'd have to follow you. Well, I've seen all the episodes already, so that wouldn't make much difference. This was still great. You'll never stop with your great animation and voice acting.

It's nice to have aliens. I always want something new. Oh, they were probably there before. Again, it's so hard to keep up with everything. While it's playing, I enjoy it.

It's always great to see stuff from you, Krinkels. I am disappointed there's no more episodes. Well, there may be one day. I'm so glad you're still here. The artwork is as good as ever. This really is a surreal world that you've created.

The best part is that giant claw. I don't know how that thing works. I love the chains that seem to be just flying around everywhere. I guess this are affects of the Improbability Drive. I remember a guy who theorized that it wasn't turned off at the end of "Madness Redeemer" and he was right!

I waste my time with everything. It's easy to tell that this is an old shame. Those are the actual lyrics? Wow, what a weird band. Well, they had a weird name already. It's just too cheap.

This was your first submission. It must have been, right? It was too short. I can understand why you don't care for this anymore. We all have to start somewhere, bud.

This was the 11th cartoon ever submitted! It's one of the earliest I've ever encountered on this website. Yeah, I'm doing a whole new thing now. The animation has not held up. It showed the Earth blowing up. Then it showed it not being blown up.

Is it like the Demented Cartoon Movie? That was the longest submission here for awhile. You're too late for the Y2K bug. Besides, the New Millenium didn't technically start until 2001. You've done much better things.

That was way too weird. It seemed like it was just a slideshow at first. I'm glad there was some animation. It still was by no means good. It had nothing to do with Clock Day. I understand that people use this day to get stuff past judgement.

I've done that myself actually! That was a long time ago. You still shouldn't have had Clock in the title. StrawberryClock doesn't even appear. Well, no one watches this stuff anymore anyway.

This was made as the day was really dying. I really enjoyed this! I'm surprised the rating isn't higher. The best part is probably the animation. It just looks so stylistic. I'm getting to know these characters more.

Well, they are based on real people. I don't know if I've ever even seen what these guys look like in real life. It's probably the best submission. At least it got Daily 3rd Place. It's kind of cute.

I was very impressed by this. It seemed the D stood for dick. I didn't get the joke at first. I guess the animation could be better. I just love how relentless this is. It just gives giving gag after gag.

Most of them are good. This might have been the last in the series. Glad to know it lasted here that long. It's my favorite of the Toof movies. I just realized it's spelled "foot" backwards.

MACception responds:

If there's one episode from this series I can actually stand, it's this one. Probably because, like you said, the pace is up. If one joke falls flat, it's not too long until the next one. Glad you liked it!

I thought this was okay. The best part was probably the animation. It really does hold up. Wait, this isn't old at all. I couldn't really understand what they were saying. Maybe I could understand, but it wasn't very funny.

This was an okay little cartoon. I always want you guys to be as active as possible. Everyone should submit here. The loading screen was nice too. It's just nothing that interesting. Hey there again, XwaynecoltX!

Hey there, XwaynecoltX! We really did get some good work out of Lock Day 2015. I can't believe you guys are still around. That's not a bad thing. It's good enough for you guys. The animation is really nice.

It really does help that that song is so good. Hard to get out of your head. I don't remember this alluding to anything else. I don't follow this holiday that closely. I still like you guys.

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