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Lots of swearing

There is not much to say about this, because it is quite different than the normal content of this website. I think it does have some of the highest quality of a live-action video here. The only downsides are that not a lot happens, really. I guess it does not help that I am in no way familiar with the material that you are using. It is still good for a quick laugh, as a way of making fun of all the frequent swearing in songs and in general. You guys certainly know how to create the appearance of a band like this.

You lucky b*stard!

It is great to see the story progress as you are updating your movies more frequently. It is here that you start to appreciate this for having more of a story and making sense. The funniest part was probably the beginning with how he simply went away from all the Dark Links. Another memorable part was when they encountered that Terminator. It is great to see this series get more popular as it really deserves it. It is also great to see Zelda being introduced even if it was not the right version.

No, this is the best!

It is interesting to see the variety that you, Onic, make in all of your submissions with all your friends. I think this had the best animation and while it was intended to be cheesy obviously in a weird way it worked. I liked how the Burger King was one of the Ewoks. You can simply never go wrong with using that music from "Requiem For A Dream". Hey, if adults are all evil people you will probably become evil when you get older! I think this has a good emotional factor even if the whole thing was mostly played for laughs.

Everybody love shooting stars

These cartoons are just as inconsistent as whatever Blockhead is doing. It is at this point that I realize how formulaic the series is, but you should not change a good thing. That guy sure likes tongs and it is cool to see the background be consistent. I think it is the first time I saw Blockhead actually get angry with his concsience. It was great to finally see him get hurt with the electricution. While it does not that much advancing to the story, it works well by just doing what it does best.

I don't speak moron

This works well because he says it is the middle of January, when it actually was made the same time it really was Halloween. The animation is neat in this one, especially how some of the things contrast with each other in quality. The opening scene was one of the best. I love how Blockhead can just never stick to whatever the name of this holiday should be. He had me going so much, I was not understanding why there were not trick or treaters at first. I love how you have absolutely no idea what will happen next.

They really should like make a leash for you

These episodes are great to look at, because they just are nothing but punchlines after punchlines. Blockhead is the main character, yet he is actually the only insane man. You usually can not work something out like that with only one crazy character unless he is the main character. The episode was as plotless as it was silly. I liked how the opening scene had nothing to do with the rest of the cartoon. I like how he nods his head at the end when you are going to click the "Again?" button.


I think this is probably the best thing that you, Onic, and your gang has ever made. At least you tried to put in some scientific value to what you were doing. It is always interesting to see the person themselves after reviewing some of their flashes. I notice all the blood on your shit from all of those eskimos you killed! This kind of works because you can go at your own pace with the yellow arrow. You know, that probably is one of the few things that you can do with just the fish's head.

Another one for Onic!

It is obvious you guys at this NG Drunks thing have a cult following, kind of like the Clock Crew. The best part is that you used something from a film as popular as "Office Space". Granted, I have only seen scenes of it, but it looks really neat. The main problem is that there was not much going on with just these cheesy cutouts using the dialogue. I was looking for more action if you are going to make a parody like that. I think your logo is funny because it looks like a flacid penis or something.

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