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It was okay

I wasn't that too impressed with this one. I wasn't really a big fan of your stuff to begin with, although I do have to praise it for its excellent voice work. Congrats to everyone who worked on this! The use of sprites wasn't too bad, but I guess I'm just too used to seeing a lot of action in a sprite thing. The humor didn't come across as being particuarly funny, but it wasn't terrible at least.

Emptygoddess responds:

I'm glad it did not cause your face to melt with its terribleness. That would have been unfortunate.

Here we go again!

Well, it's great to see stuff from some of my favorite Newgrounds writers like Wonchop and theWax70! The animation was great in this one and I espcially loved Knuckles' voice and really all of the other voices. I thought it was interesting and a new twist for everyone from "Sonic The Hedgehog" to join in and make their own flash collab! I really do like Knuckles as a character, and he does deserve his own collab! Thank you everybody!

How epic

While not my favorite thing from the Clock Crew, I really have to praise you on the animation used in the beginning. It gave off a feeling of sketchiness and being epic at the same time, not to mention it was cool to hear that music which is the first time I heard that, and I can thank you for introducing me to it! I admit that the end was an anticlimax but it was still pretty funny.

Uh, what?

I like China as much as the next guy (I suppose at least) but it was just a continual image. Yes, yes, I know it's April Fool's Day and it's meant to be stupid but just because it's meant to be stupid doesn't mean you shouldn't put more effort into it.

Not bad at all

While this was not as good as most of your other stuff it was still enjoyable. I especially like the idea of Ghost Rider being someone's doctor or simply a doctor's head being on fire constantly. You should see more of that.

By the way, I thought you were drafted by the military and weren't making flashes anymore? Did you come back for the weekend and briefly make this, perhaps?

I can break these cuffs!

Woah, I didn't know what was going on with you showing that clip in the beginning, but let me just say it worked out very well building up to a YTMND fad and ending with a song/remix about said cuffs. I really have to praise you for creativity! This is a good example of someone just taking a popular clip from the Internet and adding their own effects to make it better!

Quite nice

While the song itself may not have been the best (although I was quite impressed you were able to make rhymes out of just saying letters), this was still pretty nice. I thought the animation was really well done. I just have to appreciate the dark outline being removed making it look more like a sketchy figure but still giving it depth.

Very nice indeed!

I was very impressed by this flash, if only because it used that awesome music by eddsworld. I really loved the animation in this one. The use of shades and shadows was simply perfect! It's amazing you can get so much action simply by showing a woman cutting an apple in half. I couldn't figure out the spiritual message (if there even was any) but it was still very good.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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