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Short, but great

I wasn't expecting much from this flash, but the animation really made it! I hope you made a full-fledged series out of this!

Reflection on the Clock Crew

While the Clock Crew can have a lot of hate on them, they have made some really good and some really bad flash. This...is one of the bad ones.

AUb responds:

It sure is.


I best knew you for your Halomen movies, but I hadn't heard of this "Office Spider". Guess it's my fault for having no idea what's going on. Anyway, the art is great, and so are the voices, movement of the characters, etc. It looks like a great series!

Good, but too short

It was cool to see stock footage in a flash. Overall, this was done very well. The animation was good and original, not to mention that the whole story itself was touching and emotional. I was disappointed it was so short. You should make more of these, as you have some real potential.

KartuneHustla responds:

Thanks man. Actually, I didn't plan on using stock footage until the middle of production because I thought it would be cool to see King Kong again. I love that movie :)

Decent work

I wasn't expecting anything really great with a picture like that on the screen. Still, this was certainly better than a lot of cheesy clock flashes. The animation was very wierd, but it was well done out. The humor wasn't the best, but it did what it needed to do.

A disapointment

I really like Sonic flash on Newgrounds, but this was a disapointment. I mean, the animation was OK, but they were too short and didn't have much going for them. It also didn't seem like it was specific to Sonic. It was like you could have put any character in those scenarios and it would have made just as much sense. I still think you're a good author, but this was some of your weakest work.

Decent work

While this doesn't go on par with the other stuff that Adam Phillips has worked on, it was still good in its own right. The humor was fine and so was the animation.

Religious satire

Always nice to see some religious satire, especially around this time of year. The animation was great, though I do wish it was longer.

Not great, but good

This was a pretty original idea, and it was nice to see how two different people would interpret the same scenario. I did think it should have color, though.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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