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Nice enough

I really think it was interesting to have a Newgrounds intereview as the basis for a flash. I've been here a long time and I would myself like to conduct or partake in one of these. As for the flash itself, I wasn't really that impressed. The questions were fine, but they didn't come off as being particularly provocative. I have nothing against you at least.

I like boats

Well, it certainly didn't have much at all with its shortness but I was at least able to enjoy it for what it did have. The animation was drawn really well (especially when RadioTubeClock closed his eyes, that was so cute) and I really have to give you credit for saying that the Clock Crew loves everyone at the beginning. That's a sure way to get good ratings!

Abrupt ending!

It's been such a long time since I saw a cartoon in this series and it's great for me to view this one! Needless to say being a fanboy I loved the references to Internet memes, especially the notion of growing them in your backyard. The voices and bodily expressions of everybody just made it for me in their randomness and sheer ridiculousness, which I like!

Great stuff!

While admittedly, I could see some of the gags coming, I really have to praise you for animation on this one! At first when I saw the logo I would've been satisfied if that was itself the movie! Needless to say, I loved seeing the animation all throughout especially the way the character moves with all the tossing and blood and stuff.

It was great

While the animation may not have been spectacular, I really have to praise you for creativity on this one, and of course the theme. Just from looking at the title, you can tell it's going to be something deep that makes you think. I don't know what happens after you die (although I tend to think there's an afterlife) and this was a great way of expressing a viewpoint.

A story?

While admittedly, I was a bit upset that you couldn't view the full version here, I had lots of fun watching this. This was definitley different than your usual work as this one was full of color. It might be hard experimenting with new stuff, but you certainly fit this all together very well, plus I like the idea of gorillas being beheaded with green blood coming out.

There you go

While admittedly it was just a single screen that said, "A", I can at least praise you for making something that is truly relevant to Newgrounds. Happy Clock Day of any year and thank you for coming up with this interesting tribute. I seriously can't wait until someone makes "C for Clockday", which would make sense as "C" is already in the beginning of Clock Day. Uh, anyway, happy 999!

ReignOfHell responds:

I'm fascinated that someone dug around to find this.

Thanks for commenting though.


While it was pretty short, I really have to admire you for using this awesome remix. It's just because it's great music, but because it's something a person, especially on Newgrounds can relate to. The demonic voice was really taunting and reminded me of the all the times I was banned on the BBS posts and how they have indeed been getting longer. It brings back painful memories!


I like the idea of Marichu (a combination between Mario and Pikachu obviously) and I really have to appreciate the sprite work. Baseing Curse on Emerl is something you don't see often around here. My favorite part was definitley when Marichu had the pole and was hitting Curse with it (reminded me of "The Matrix" which you probably referencing). My only complaint was that it could've been a little longer.

Pienkaito responds:

Thanks for commenting. =)
Yeah, I could've been longer if it wasn't for a collab.

This was for a SMBZ collab, but I think it died. =(

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