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I loved this, if only because it was great to see all these classic characters. I think my favorite might have been Charlie Brown. I've never seen a color version of him like that. I didn't even know some of these images were around at 2001! The Beavis one was really creative. This is one of the longest animutations I've ever seen.

It's just great to see so much creativity. I didn't even notice how that clock was moving at first! It's amazing how much "Pokémon" has shaped our culture. I wish you'd submit more stuff here. May surrealness live on forever!

I really did like seeing the fairly good animation. It was interesting how some of if was sprite. I didn't like how it was so long. I almost knew Mario would appear at the end. Randy Solem and Razoric were better at these things. Maybe I need to be more familiar with Excitebike.

This was just okay. I didn't understand what it had to do with the game that much at the end. Still, Hell jokes can be funny. It's kind of a clever setup. It just didn't do much for me.

I really have forgotten how prolific you were with these! It was especially great to see Crow and Tom Servo. Anything with those two is wonderful! I know this is a Pokémon song. I believe it was actually sung by James or someone. This music is quite soothing.

It's great to see how these animutation characters would become popular. Homer Simpson and Ronald McDonald are both big characters. A pity you don't see these here anymore. Superman looked good too! It's just a very enjoyable old cartoon.

My only complaint is that this was a little too short. I would have to see more action. Is that how many nipples bears have? Well, I guess a bear god would have as many as he wants. It's nice to hear your voice again. I know what it's like to have hands like that.

I've grown to mostly just ignore them. They've gotten better. Lotion works in so many different ways. Penguins are always nice too. This was another great cartoon!

Sexual-Lobster responds:

Thanks Ericho. That beast is Zorgoth the Terrible, eight nippled devourer of salmon.

So this is the mother of all these animutations. I admit that it's not as good as most of your other animutations. Well, animutations in general. It's still nice to hear such a classic rap in another language. Is that Jeeves? It's been so long since I've seen him!

Well, this is the oldest animutation. It's great to see how popular these characters would be. I especially understand TmsT's animutation arc better. Colin Mochrie is as handsome as ever.

I didn't care much for this. It's pretty easy to tell that this is an early flash from you. I thought it might be a game at first. There was just another pro skating thing made at about the same time. Was there something big with those going on here? The sounds weren't bad.

The drawings really stick out. I'm glad of kind she got turned into hamburger at the end. Cows don't have much else of a purpose nowadays. They're still funny. It just seemed too cheap.

Yeah, I admit that this was indeed quite bad. I actually didn't think it was one of the worst ever. Well, I do mostly watch good flashes. I guess it was a little unique. It's been so long since Bush was in the White House. Was that the Zero Wing music?

That really is old nowadays. The animation was quite bad. I did like the stop motion parts. It's not nearly enough for a full flash though. At least it was featured in the Mega Man collection.

I love this cartoon! It's mostly because I got more of an introduction to the meme here. Well, this is no longer popular. Final Fantasy characters aren't that big either. Nowadays, this would probably be pokemon killing the cast of "My Little Pony". It's great to see that "Foxtrot" comic.

The sprite work was really nice in this cartoon. Everything was spliced together well. The fanboy's cry when he died was really funny. It was weird how you didn't use the music at first. It did eventually appear, though.

Yeah, the first animutation to win Daily Feature! I think only other two others did. They were "SHS" and "ScientLOLojyuuichi!!". I personally didn't find this to be as good as those. It just helps that the tune in this is so freaking catchy. Well, you didn't come up with it yourself. This wasn't as weird as many other animutations.

It doesn't matter, because it's still a lot of fun. I just love the idea of all these versions of Mario coming together. A pity the Nostalgia Critic ripped this show apart. At least the characters looked like their video game counterparts unlike that awful movie! Bob Hoskins isn't as good as Lou Albano.

It's weird seeing as how this turned out. I first heard more about "Elevator Action" from Vinnie Veritas. It's a long story. I do appreciate how good the animation is. The problem is that this goes on too long. VGDC did this sort of thing better.

I really do like that last gag. I like the idea of him accidentally having sex with her. Why does he just let his wife off the hook? The pacing isn't bad. It's pretty nice to look at, even if it's not that great.

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