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Fairly nice cartoon

While it did not have that many things in terms of uniqueness, it was still a great cartoon. The best part was easily the epic animation. The best way to show this off is in the beginning with the train. It's odd how one of the few parts that do not have the people came off as being the best. The singing was pretty beautiful in this but as it was in a foreign language I was not able to understand it. What matters is that altogether it creates an effective, sweet little cartoon.

It's very mundane and can show the great things that can happen to us in real life. The only thing about the art I did not like was the man's neck. It just seemed too long. This is still worth seeing because it's a very tenderhearted cartoon that can just make you happy and look at the bright sunshiney day you have. Great things can be done waiting for the bus.


I am not a guy who hates "Twilight" but I have to admit that was the least in the series. Anyway, what made this cool was just because of how amazingly silly it was! Every second of this submission there is something ridiculous going on. I love how you portrayed Bella as this whiny woman who went insane over everything. She had the funniest, stupidest voice ever and the animation was perfect. Every action the characters took was exaggerated to the perfect extent.

It does have a feel of dumbness in it, but it's so hilariously bad it's hard to dislike it. The best animation was probably whenever Edward had a rainbow on his skin. It was funny how Jacob seemed to have like sixty abs on his chest. Then again, I would not know the exact number of abs a person has. A zombie is really more necrophilia.

Veinom responds:

That was the best and longest comment I got in NG and utube! And you can use words in a great way, they made me smile XD
This movie doesnt touch everyone, it was made completely for myself and needs a special kind of audience to like it. Im glad it touched you and yes it was made to be silly and dumb, because that's how the movie was through my eyes :)
Jay did a great job doing the all the voices and little rainbows on Edward actually exists in the blueray version of twilight, just not so.. exaggerated!

Some dreams

This is great because you simply went off to show what you had in your dreams, at least I think you did. The weirdest thing about this was probably how everything seemed to be drawn in a different style! Like the man guy was live-action and his arm was cartoon with color. The zombies and the clown guy were drawn with no color. The background was drawn on the back of notebook paper. The red blood had a different style too!

It's hard to suggest you to change anything. I mean, you're the one who has these dreams and they make as much sense as any other ones. I was not expecting the clown guy to get shot in the face like that. Is it just me or does his mouth look like a pizza? Your brain is pretty talented for coming up with good jokes while you're sleeping!

First project?

Dude, this was great for a first project! I am guessing that "teksi" is Japanese for taxi and it even sounds like it now that I really say it in my head. The coolest thing was just how slick this animation was. It's a great innovative style that is truly unique and your own. The only disappointing part was when it ended as I wanted to see more! It's nice that you are continuing to submit flashes.

I really liked seeing all the sketches you had in the credits. I wish we could have seen some of those characters in the actual cartoon! I bet this took so long to make you simply didn't have enough time for the second part. Everything in this just seemed so real and authentic. You are doing great and welcome to this site.

mascerrado responds:

Thank you very much!

Fairly funny

The main thing I did not like about this was how long it was. If you are going to make something with that length, please put more than some screenshots for the story. I guess it's better than having the same image for the entire time. What I really liked were the accents and how out of the ordinary it was for these characters to sound so vulgar. The funniest part was easily at the beginning when they were listing the drugs.

We have so many words for them we would make the eskimos jealous. I think these are actual pictures from the books as they seem quite authentic. It's nice to know people still do parodies of classic stuff. You really didn't know what was going to pop up next with this. I thought it would be over when Sherlock said they were done with the case!

StupidlyEPIC responds:

The screenshots are just pages out of the sherlock holmes book. I was looking through it and made some silly scenarios up from them. If there were more pictures RayG could have used, I'm sure he would have. Thanks for praising the voice acting though. I appreciate it.

It was a lot of fun

The thing that was the coolest about this was how slick the animation was. I especially liked how smoothly everything moved in this. It's the kind of cartoon that makes you sad when it's all over. At least it was tons of fun while it lasted, especially with how it came back to the guy. The main character in this reminded me of the Nostalgia Critic. I guess it could be the red tie and the silhouette style that makes it look like he has a hat.

Everything just conflicts with itself in styles so many times. The silhouettes are strange to see against the far more colorful background particularly with how everything is so good in shades of yellow. I thought it might be something about a paper airplane, but it was something just as well. For dark overtones, everyone has a distinctive style to him or her.

That's cool, man

The best thing about this was the "Ren & Stimpy" like animation. It's just so cool to see people put so much emotion into the characters they are animating. Another example of good animating is when you showed all those people in the stands. When I first heard the title, I thought it was going to be a parody of a candy bar commercial. I have never played the guitar so I have no clue what "zoombar" means in this context. I wish I was that lucky to get kisses from hot girls.

Some of the stuff was fairly typical so I recommend maybe spicing it up a bit. It's kind of long for a commercial, but this is a web commercial after all. This cartoon and zoombar should please any guitarists. The text shown at the end was pretty cool especially with the different layouts you chose. I hope this website has gotten back by now.

Not bad at all

The creepiest part was probably when Satan licked his fingers in such a sexual way. You can never make something good by using the word "lubricant". The coolest thing about this was how it showed Leo escaping from Hell. Most of the time, characters just die and they come back to life with no explanation. You actually expanded on the explanation that you did have! It was great how Satan was freaking out over the video game because it was so realistic.

It's hard to say if Satan is supposed to be good in this. He doesn't seem evil most of the time, just, well, insane. Good thing Leo is already in Hell so he's not going to have to go back there as Satan squashed him. I love the T-shirt at the beginning. The socks line is probably the most memorable in the entire series and I liked the variety of music.

Oney responds:

thanks dude

A test?

I normally do not like it when people submit tests to Newgrounds, but this was quite different. The most disappointing thing was how nothing followed this. I really hope this turns out to be a full-fledged series that you submit here to Newgrounds. It looks super awesome with the great animation. You guys know how to get an all star cast. You can really only guess what the story is going to be at this point anyway.

The color effects are great in this too. I love how the secret agents use black or white (which in some senses is the absence of color) to contrast with the rest of the color. I will say that infinite loops can get a bit annoying. It seems like you of all people would know how to make something start and stop. I look forward to your future work.

Very nice

It's nice to have your name be a day as well (not that I think it's an actual holiday). What was really cool was how you made fun of yourself. I thought only the Clocks used that monotone voice but who says you can't use it? From the title, I was thinking of either the Mad Hatter or that Hatta Guy from "Neurotically Yours". The animation in this was wonderfully done. The most beautiful scene is when the hatter throws the guy out of the window.

It makes you wonder how much this character has let the madness consumed in. While not the best animation, it's definitley high quality. I would love to see a finished version of this. You could have put in a Replay button or some way to get back to the main menu. I congradulate you on whatever success you have here.

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