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I should be expecting the "Tree Tings". I'm getting more used to them. I wonder if I can memorize the opening sequence. You know, with those pictures? I didn't know that about beer. I try to briefly see new news stories.

I don't think any series is as updated this much here. Well, maybe the Star Syndicate. Then again, they don't really exist anymore. Never heard of Caldwell. I used to live in Kansas though.

threebrain responds:

haha what part. Caldwell is there cause my friend axed for it.

The best was #4. Thank you for this nice animation. I admit it was a little short. Still, it got the jokes across. Wasn't 5 the same as 3? Oh well, it was funny.

Yeah, you'd think Sonic would be fast enough without a car. Could he maybe race without one? They actually kind of covered that in "Sonic X". I like this fan. He's funny.

Am I the only one who reviews these? Well, as one of the most prolific reviewers, that makes sense. I appreciate how topical this is. Loved that soup joke. I really do learn from these cartoons. I don't care for Kenny Rogers.

Jimmy needs to wear a shirt. I'm getting used to that intro. There was no audio with the duck. Well, he quacks the same every time anyways. This was pretty good.

threebrain responds:

hahaha thanks! Yeah I screwed up the duck's voice today :-X Fixing for tomorrow.

haha Jimmy Pee don't wear no shirt cause he's a retired Chippendale's dancer.

This was awesome! I especially love the animation. It's been awhile since I've seen Minecraft related flash. This was just charming. I especially love the meme references. They were pretty relevant to the story.

Yes, I remember the main character being named Steve. I think this is the first cartoon I've heard him called that. Did you say "And bacon strips" or "Hay bacon strips"? Hay bacon strips were used in this MLP cartoon. Did you make that?

I heard about that one guy dying. I feel bad for never having heard of him. I thought this was mostly funny. Boimingham? That's something different. I knew he'd make the joke about killing his appetite.

I had no idea about earthworms doing that. When he said "ivy" I kept thinking "IV". Well, I do work at a rehabilitation hospital. Was that Swivel logo there before? I don't quite remember it.

threebrain responds:

Tom Fulp, the founder and guy who runs Newgrounds made this amazing swivel app that turns your swf in to video. It's great because the mouths stay in sync. Before they used to fall out of sync. Swivell is the best.

haha you expected that worm joke? Dang haha I thought it was a curve ball. Will try harder haha. Thanks for watching.

Yes, I remember hearing about Harvey Weinstein. It seems like everyone is a mass rapist nowadays. Well, a sexual harasser at least. I'm pretty sure these stories are real. I'm still thinking of Chris Savino. I should have know Jimmy would take the weekends off.

I doubt anyone could make that many news announcements. The duck weather is getting a bit repetitive. Maybe you could use some different graphics. This was fine for a quick watch. I'm getting used to the intro.

I admit it's hard to hear a true story about ghosts. I mean, I hear people say horrible things about religion constantly so I doubt ghosts are something we should believe in. I still liked this. It's mostly just as entertaining as most of your other cartoons. I remembered the first part. I like how you divide them into parts.

This might be the first time you did that. I never had a ghost encounter like this. It still sounds like an interesting story. Your stuff is always fun. The music sets the mood well.

From the title, I thought this would be rated "A". It's still enjoyable, mostly because of the animation. It probably didn't get that risque. It was still fun. I recognized your art style from a mile away. I know my cartoonists.

I don't know why someone would eat butt flakes. Well, it makes less sense there'd be a gun in the box. It was nice and surreal. It may have been too short. It still got its joke across.

I didn't think this was one of your best cartoons. It needed more cartoonish antics. It was still fun. Hey, I finally found one of these movies on the portal before it passed judgement! Well, now it it's past. See, I knew it would pass even if I wrote this review at this time.

I've tried those things. They are pretty fun, but I probably won't buy any. The animation was as good as ever. I did kind of feel sorry for that guy. Things didn't work out in the end.

This was ranked as the worst elephant in the room cartoon. Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad. It's mostly because the animation is nice and unique. It's hard to tell what's going on with his face at the end. Does he have a mustache? Yeah, this was too short.

It still wasn't terrible for what it was. I guess you went with the theme. I don't want to know how that thing ejaculates. It uh, must be big. Happy Elephant contest!

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