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So great!

I have to give this props because it has some really fantastic animation! I have seen various works depicting the Minecraft world, but this is one of the best. I think the thing I like most is how well these characters move around despite the fact that they are blocks. It's great to see LegendaryFrog working on so many great new things! I was thinking he was going to say "World Of Warcraft". I'm not a fan of these games, but certainly understand their popularity.

I especially love how the voice keeps the subtleness throughout the entire cartoon. It's great to hear voice actors who sound so committed. What was also cool was how there were just so many lovely things to watch in the background and stuff. It truly gave you a sense of being in another world. I hope that people continue to make great Minecraft tributes like this. The colors are as fantastic and vibrant as really any other great cartoon.

Good to be back!

I am glad I can go back and look at all the Easter Eggs I missed the first time. The best part is how well the animation holds up to today. The characters just look so adorable with all their pure color balls for eyes. I think the best thing is how Link consistently keeps up his fanatism in this. In case anyone is wondering, you can click on the picture in the beginning with Pikanjo on it to get a bomb thrown and then explode. Click on Ganny to make him squeak.

This goes for when he is in the credits too. Click on the blue shirt on the credits to see a pretty funny music video. It's always great to go back and look at the things you missed on something the first time. I don't think I've even played a Zelda game that had Ganon in it. It's great everyone has such a nice voice in this.

Real cardboard?

This was great to look at because it was just so authentic! I kind of doubt that it was done with actual cardboard, but still great. I think my favorite effects would have to be when you cut outside the box and see the sky. It's especially fun to see each of these objects just pop up. Some of the sides look a little crude, but it's still great to look at. The music was also suiting as it gave you a sense of being shown something very high class.

It was an experimental flash, so it didn't seem to have much of a plot for me. I didn't care though, because it was so great to look at. There's just a great sense that you really went out to create a world of your own. It's nice to know something so creative has gotten popular. I am sure we could all learn from this technique.

Good looking game

This is the first time I have ever heard of this game before, but it looks great! It's especially nice to see you use the same fantastic animation you're known for. It's not too realistic looking or too cartoony. What works out best is how you let the characters have so much movement in themselves. I especially like how their facial expressions seem to really tell what's on their mind. The coolest part was probably with going to the Arctic.

Hey, I would know the Arctic is the North obviously! There were a lot of things going on, so it was hard to know what to expect. The only thing I didn't like was how short it was. I guess this was just so good I was expecting it to go on a lot longer. The references to other video games are great and there's so much vibrance in it.

How odd

This was a very interesting flash because I didn't know what was going to happen next. The person in the beginning seemed to be like a doll or something. I guess you were trying to create the whole Pinocchio angle. The music was really good in this and set off a good sense of heartwarming. I was a bit confused because at first it seemed like the man was trying to make the doll figure his daughter. I was a bit disturbed when I saw them kissing.

I am glad you did this as a tribute to your boyfriend. It makes me wish I was in a relationship where I could do something like that. What's also neat is how you don't use any colors except for the red heart. That really gives the impression that you are trying hard to focus on the heartwarming parts of this. I am glad this at least won some positive award.

Hey, I worked on something!

Well, I have to say that in terms of goofy submissions, this certainly takes the cake. The best part is how I myself have a role in this! I guess it's about time I made something, seeing as how I'm so prolific here! Then again, I did make something that got deleted and everyone hated it, and I actually think people hate this even more than that. The most annoying bit was easily the part by Joeloasticot (whichever one you are) as it went on too long with the sound.

My favorite was the one I made because I think it was the goofiest. There was just so much going on, you couldn't help but like some of it. A pity how this will probably give me a bad reputation, seeing as how the score is so low. You guys can call me back next time but we should probably be more organized in our collab. It's great to be a part of a collab, maybe I just be a voice next time?

I get it

Okay, okay, I have to admit that you were pretty funny with how subtle you were being on everything. The best part is the animation. I swear that the guy on the left looks like some giant egg. The animation is easily the best part of this, especially with how you manuever the movements. It was fun to catch what was on the puzzle pieces. Now, for a more serious analysis, I think I disagree with what you're saying.

I think that what most people use as a defense for this is how religion caused the Middle Ages with little scienfitic advancement. This is completely untrue. If you question most modern historians, they'll agree that this has been discredited. Religion helped us through that thousand years more than anything. So yeah, it's hard to really love this, but it's still well done.

I know it!

I couldn't quite make out the text that appeared in this, but I could get the joke. I have to admit that it is a pretty flashy design for Clock Day. What's also weird is how we really didn't seem to do that well with Clock Day this year. The Daily Feature winner this year had a score of like 3.95! It's great to know there are still people who use this day to put all their 5s out. That really is quite a nicely drawn drill you have there.

My biggest complaint is that it does seem to go on too long at the end. Well, that was obviously the point of it. I think this probably did fit under the "Informative" genre than any other that I can think of. I am actually not specifically familiar with that drill. Hopefully, it will be better on next year's Clock Day.

Little-Rena responds:

You know the drill

Death can be funny!

I've been watching the RWD series for awhile and it's interesting to see where it goes. It helps that "Cooking Sama" is one of my all-time favorite flash submissions. It only fits that someone would make a variant featuring the opposite genders. I didn't quite know what was going to happen, but it was certainly fun to watch. The animation is as good as ever in your works. I especially like how the two people in the plane looked so different in terms of artwork.

It's always great to hear about you getting stuff done that you never quite got around to finishing. Hey, this is the year we killed Bin Laden and released Duke Nukem Forever! The music is also great because it gives off a really mysterious sense. I had no idea that something like toast could be so destructive. I like the black and white guy.

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