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Pretty nice

I was not expecting much from this, but it turned out to be pretty cool. It is interesting to see "The Laziest Men on Mars" get popular songs beside "All Your Base". It was just cute to watch these little ghost guys just sing in a silly manner. You yourself admit that it has no point, so it is obviously not meant to be taken seriously. I like how the upper half of their heads just seems to fly away when they sing. It may not be the most memorable of songs, but good for a quick laugh here.

He is angry

Looking back, I notice that you still manage to keep the same style of animation that is relevant to today. I am always looking for that kind of thing in older submissions. The part in the bar is just so funny, especially the part about how he wasn't even his girlfriend. He tries to defend his anger but is in fact angry in his own defense. I also love the part about Beethoven turning in his grave even though he didn't write it. It is basically just an onslaught of funny joke after funny joke.

Very nice

As a big fan of "Weird" Al Yankovic, this was a very enjoyable song to listen to. It is strange how I did not even know of the original song that this was a parody of! I love this song because I actually think it gives a pretty good representation of what it would be like to a clone. The animation is great and all of the clones look just like what they should be in "Star Wars". It helps that I can just get a free hearing of this whenever I want. I also like how goofy it is when the clones move as I mentioned that the animation is good.

Could be much better

I actually remember seeing this cartoon (or at least something like it) on your website before. It is many years old and it really shows. I think the next part of this series released here in 2004 was much better. I did kind of enjoy the music that was used. My biggest complaint is that the characters just simply do not have depth to them in pretty much every sense of the word. I guess this was in your early days, so it's great to know you improved. The transition effects were probably the best aniamted part.

gjlcards responds:

Thanks for reviewing. Generally, I was just trying to give people a few chuckles from my cartoons. I generally don't strive for good animation, as it takes a lot more time than I have. From now on though, I think I'm going to be concentrating mostly on games, as those are what I am best at. Thanks again for reviewing and checking out the website!

- gjlcards

Great again

I am glad to see this series get promoted here on Newgrounds and other websites. I am now obviously starting to get the main shtick of this animated series. The guy in the bird costume simply does ridiculous things to everybody. It is so great in that he is in fact the only insane guy and everyone else is perplexed by what he does. He must have had some pretty hard pillows to make the customer bled with them. I also liked seeing his trash can girlfriend at the end.

Not too bad

I have seen a lot of flashes like this on Newgrounds, but this is still quite fun to watch. I enjoyed looking at the action as it is in fact well animated, if not the most original thing. It reminded me of "Red Moon" with how everything was red, or a shade of red. This is a pretty subtley made cartoon as it does not have too many fancy things about it. The music is nice and it does have most of what you could ask from an action cartoon. I am glad to be introduced to your style, which is new for me.

One of the best

This is a fantastic animation to watch, not just because it has one of my favorite people, Xionico, working on it, but many other underrated authors. The styles are all unique and fantastic in their own rights. Xionico's was probably my favorite. All of the sound effects (it was cool to hear the stock sounds from Madness Combat) were great too. The fact that the entire thing is presented as an arcade game shows where it is coming from. The music is well suiting and the designs are flawless.


It probably would have been a little nicer if this had been released as one part, but it is still great. I really like how you get to see the dead bodies and people still fighting. I don't know why, but for some reason that was just something that always appealed to me. I love how you give the stick figures so much room to fight and kill. There is just always something going on, you know how to direct the viewer's attention. There's just a never ending number of ways for people to kill each other.

Baby, I'm a hypocrite

Well, this is the first time I came across Akira the Don and let me say that this is one of the catchiest songs I have ever heard! I really like this version as it shows the extended Mario song. Of course, I can not really understand what is being said at the end anyway. The animation in this is simply fantastic and I love all the random images that are flying around. I love the rhythum and depth Akira and all of the other characters have in this. I have never heard of "Chuck Chap", and I kept thinking you were saying, "Chuck Chuck".

Probably the only thing I did not like was the vomiting. Still, this was a fantastic rap song all around with the perfect animation synched with everything.

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