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Very good

I have to say it didn't look like much at the beginning but it did have a very nice tone to it. I was expecting some sort of environmental message to come like how the civilization being built was causing pollution and how the man decided he should let nature be but whatever this was good.

CircusFreakFlash responds:

I don't like preaching in my flashes... Preachy flashes bug me. I can be preached at somewhere else.

Very impressive!

To be honest, I could see you making a flash like this. Sure it was a lot more serious than most of your others, but it was great to see all those surreal elements going on everywhere especially with the sketchy animation. I'm watching this in a hotel room while my brother is on the phone about his medication just in case you wanted to know where I was.

TheBoogley responds:

thanks, I'm glad you knew I could do it. I wasn't entirely sure myself. :)
Why are you in a hotel, on the run from the law?

I love it!

The opening sequence with the anime parody was probably the best (Pikachu!) but the rest of it was great and it was really awesome to talk about Japanese culture in regards to anime as especially explained by Captain Capitalism! Not to mention that the animation was slick and I loved the statue at the end too.

captcapitalism responds:

He's supposed to be saying Freakachoo...but it is hard to make that work. Thanks for the kind words.

It's awesome!

I thought this was an awesome flash. It's always a good idea to put stand-up comedy to flash cartoons and the like. It's hard to pick the best part. Maybe the goblin walking around with the penis? Or the icons becoming dildos? Speaking of this, I love how he mentioned his parents acted like monkeys when first introduced. It was so annoying!

Also he said when he met his parents but didn't he always "meet" his parents?

Not bad

It was short but the animation was done very well and the twist ending also was pretty good.

I hate elevators

I could tell you were influenced by Eddsworld. Anyway this was very enjoyable though I'd have to say the best part was the joke at the very end, and of course when he was thrown out of the helicopter and when that girl was crying. Some of it I didn't get but still nice.

I thought it was good

Call me old-fashioned but I really liked the Dragonball Z-like action and music. It was pretty original for a stick flash as the characters really did seem to have more depth to them than the average stick fight and the use of color (especially blood) was nice too.

Not very enjoyable

I think you should've used this time to give us some information on how to perserve energy and stop global warming but I didn't like it how it was just a simple message.

Loved it for the one-liners.

That was an insult.

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