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This may be Randy's best work in 2000! It was weird giving it just this generic title. It's the most plain title since "Star Trek"! I still enjoyed this. I am glad the picture was bigger. It just got annoying with how small the other movies were.

It's just one joke, but it is pretty funny. It's great these cartoons have gotten so many views. It was nice to hear that music. I don't know if I've ever even played the original Sonic games. This was a nice little gag.

It's nice to have a reference to "All In The Family". I'm not a fan, it's just a show you rarely hear about. I've never even seen the show! Still, this wasn't anything that special. It was just some imposed heads singing. It still isn't that bad.

It's weird looking back at this from 2000. This was BEFORE Bush got his bad reputation. More importantly, before 911. I guess every President is compared to Hitler at one point. Those were the days back in 2000!

Again, this was still the time Randy Solem was getting started. I am not that familiar with the game. I didn't know he fell down that high. Well, parodies always exaggerate anyway. I still don't like the tiny screen. It gets better of course.

I feel bad Randy didn't live to see modern video game stuff. The sprite work here is quite authentic. It doesn't seem that hard to replicate of course. It's nice to hear that music. I'm at least familiar with that.

I think this may have been a little too long. I liked it, just not as much as most people did. It was still funny to see that dumb cartoon at the beginning. I thought that guy looked like poop. I didn't know he was a burger. I thought he was poop with the title "Crapfest".

I liked the animation. I'm glad to hear about the backstory. He's just a random alcoholic rabbit. Most of the jokes worked out well. It made sense with the story.

Well, I do see this sort of thing nowadays. It's just that it's never notable. I guess it's nice to see something really, really old. I wish it wasn't an infinite loop. What was up with the gun? It had holes in it.

I know this guy is supposed to be annoying. You don't need to make him go on forever in this. The animation is not good at all. It has really aged. I'm surprised this doesn't have a lower rating.

I agree that it was nothing special. I thought it just said that I voted 4. It really just said that I needed to vote on 4 MORE to get my experience points. I have heard of you before. It's weird how you just called this "Star Trek". I'd think that would be too confusing.

I still found this on the website. I thought the wife would be Melinda Gates. I know about that kind of stuff, okay! It wasn't really too funny or anything. I recognize that Bill Gates borg picture!

I remember when we thought The Backstreet Boys were the most annoying singers. Boy, were we wrong! I wish you'd make more of these now to show Justin Bieber getting killed. I guess it would be a bit too obvious. I thought this was too short. I do hate the Spice Girls, though.

The music was nice. It's weird how this was pro Pokémon. This was in a time when everyone seemed to hate it. You were really ahead of your time! You made these cartoons in such a short time.

Yes, this is the best entry in the entire series! It's so just wonderful how the jokes just keep coming and coming. I feel pretty bad for Kate. I just love how cute these characters look in these costumes. I feel the same way going to cons. Well, I never cosplay.

It's just too expensive. I really love how that woman died horribly. She deserved it with how sadistic she was! Yes, I play crazy stuff at those cons as well. I'm just now looking at the Master Ball I got last con. The voices were wonderful too.

It's been too long since I've heard that music. This really was very funny. At first, I was afraid that this was just going to be one joke. Well, it kind of was. It just did it with different animals! It's great to see a really old Daily Feature.

I just loved the cheesy effects. The best part was probably the end. You did do variants with the explosions. Well, more like mutilations. It's still creative.

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