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This is the best entry in this series! I was afraid it was going to turn into something really dirty. I mean, it was about porn. I'm so glad it was clean. I really did like Gentles. He is quite gentle!

The animation is very nice too. I love that "Courage The Cowardly Dog" shout out. Such an underrated show! I loved that bait and switch at the end. He's a literal son of a bitch!

Yeah, I can see why it built up to that. It actually made sense! I can appreciate the animation. You managed to get in a lot of jokes in under a minute! It did have a talking animal. You probably will win that prize!

I do appreciate the meta references. I liked seeing that screen. Who knew that would create such a good cartoon? The idea is very good. I had no idea of this jam of course.

I knew I had to look up the original audio. The best part was how good the animation was. The voices were hilarious as the original. I loved how you showed us how you did it. Stop motion takes a long time! There's so much energy put into this!

That is my favorite scene from the movie. In fact, I was just watching it myself a few times. What a funny coincidence! Well, I guess it is topicable. Lots of people have lost their work due to the virus. You know, kind of like me.

That was really funny, as always. My only complaint is that it didn't show what Johnny did to the guy. It was still beautifully animated. Of course it features the coronavirus. Everything does at this time! Loved the nerd joke.

I knew the ominous music would come back. Yeah, I remember my days in school. What is this, brewstew? This animation style is so unique. There's always so much going on.

Okay seriously, that alien's baby eating is getting disgusting. I think this may be the earliest time I've seen one of these cartoons. Well, it is titled Good Morning! Shut up. I actually guessed that about the flu. The virus is still pretty bad.

Didn't know that about Joe Biden. That's pretty small compared to Metoo. That's died out by now. If only this virus was. Well, there's some dying.

Wow, that was funny. I especially liked how unpredictable it was. Okay, I knew it was going to get dark. I mean, the commercial would be only 19 seconds long! You really put up some wacky assimilation here. I really liked the animation.

Of course it would get dark. I truly love cheese. Wait, does that mean...? Aww, screw it. This is a great cartoon.

I knew he'd mention babies. It's pretty predictable. Yep, we still have the coronavirus. Don't I know it. I haven't worked in nearly a month. Jimmy should be wearing a mask.

Should this get its own section? Maybe. I'm not sure if even the Star Syndicate has this many entries. I didn't know that about Elizabeth Warren.

threebrain responds:

hahaha He don't need no mask. Well unless Shing Fla can get it. But he's from outer space :-O

I guess this series is now officially back here. I haven't heard of any protesters. Then again, I don't watch the news that much. It's pretty much all the same. Dr. Oz said that? Well, you have to remember that he won more awards in pseudoscience than anyone else in history.

Well, the wizard of Oz "was" a fake. Not much else to talk about nowadays. I imagine it must be awful growing up in a time like this. Surely there's online classes for little kids. Thank God for technology.

This was a lot of fun! I can't believe the rating is so low! It should be higher! This really did have some innovative stuff for it going. It's hard to find that in a "Madness Combat" cartoon. I thought the animation was great.

It was great to have some female characters. That may be a first! This was under judgement when I first saw it. I guess it's so long it was passed before I even finished watching it! You all worked so hard.

I did like this. I admit that it was a little boring. Still, it was a sweet little cartoon. The snail looked like the one from "Adventure Time!". Well, I guess all snails look the same. Is that a stereotype?

I don't want to be racist. Anyway, I was expecting something crude. I'm glad it didn't go that way. It's fun for a short cartoon. The main character's pretty likeable.

laTomate responds:

Thank you very much for the constructive criticism! I really appreciate it.

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