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Did that use actual audio from the series? It seems so authentic! If not, it sounds just like the game. I was actually sad when it ended. That's when you know it's good! I've grown fond of these "Team Fortress 2" characters.

I've never actually played the game. The animation was so awesome here. Dang it, you almost won every major award! I can't believe this got a Daily 3rd Place. Well, the score speaks enough about it.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

So the funny thing is the Heavy and Demo were me, the rest was audio from the game : D

You're from Australia? I had no idea. This was a really poignant cartoon. It should be in the Politics section. I had no idea how corrupt Australian politics was. You usually just hear about American politics.

Well, that and North Korea. He really held coal? I hope that's not an Australian thing. I just love this live-action blending you have. We need more creativity like this.

Well, that was informative. Weird to not see something Christmas related. Well, except at the end. I know little Japanese. We all know our breasts. I saw this video called "99 Words For Boobs".

It's false that the Eskimos have 50 words for snow. We have even more for boobs! It's not like boobs rain from the sky! The animation is as slick as ever. Still not into porn though.

I guess this is pretty harmless. It's a shame this was ranked as the worst submission for Christmas 2019. I can see why unfortunately. The voices weren't good at all. That really only works for the Clock Crew. Well, that still had more expression.

I did kind of like these characters. It's still not enough to like. The animation's too simplistic. Well, Merry Christmas! You need to work with lines.

I admit I wished this was more about Christmas. It was about a holiday like Christmas. That's still pretty good. I loved how it was in rhyme. It reminded me of the Grinch. Or "Twas The Night Before Christmas".

Hey, my last name is Stevenson! There's no one in our family named Charlie though. It's still a pretty good cartoon. I liked the chalky animation style. I'm so glad there's a Christmas 2019 section here.

That was a good cartoon, but it could have been better. The animation was nice. I admit that the ending didn't make sense. If Santa was dead, why would he get anything at all? It's still pretty creative. I like the idea of a Santa con.

Is that real? I mean, there's so many people dressed as Santa it only makes sense. He's probably the most dressed up figure ever! Hey, the shot in Santa's hat disappeared! Well, it is magic.

That was hilarious! It really does make you think of the implications of Frosty the Snowman. I remember "Snowy The Frostman" from Sam T. I'm glad you came up with something original. Well, he was still evil...occasionally. Nice reference to "The Santa Clause".

The animation was a great imitation. You keep up enough jokes for the length. Dang, you guys have made a lot of series. It's great to see more Christmas cartoons. There seem to be fewer this year.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Used to work with Sam a couple years ago! We worked on a fun series on Worldstar.


Something like that did happen to me. I wasn't into professional wrestling myself. I did have a brother who was into it. He isn't anymore at all. He would do things like the crossfaced chicken wing and the diamond cutter. I never got into it myself.

That is, he would do them on me. He had to write down over and over not to do the diamond cutter. Good thing I didn't do it with my friends. I'd trust them even less. Dang, your childhood was rough.

Wasn't expecting to see topless women in this. Well, there's porn everywhere nowadays. That guy's chin looks like testicles. Not so much a butt. I admit to being unfamiliar with what this was based on. I like the artwork.

It's goofy and detailed. It's certainly unpredictable. I don't know what a witcher is. I love the author comments. We all want to be true to the material.

Hulalaoo responds:

omg, you still here after 10 years ??? wtf, and how in the earth u don't know about The Witcher ??

That was a lot of fun! As a huge "Dragonball Z" fan myself, I knew how things were going to turn out. This was still very funny. There were a few mistakes though. Tien died after Chaiotzu. Maybe it was a joke?

The animation was nice and goofy. It's a pretty accurate representation. My favorite part might have been when Vegeta was squished under his own tail. Any DBZ fan should enjoy this. I knew there'd be no (or little) dialogue.

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