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That was a lot of fun! As a huge "Dragonball Z" fan myself, I knew how things were going to turn out. This was still very funny. There were a few mistakes though. Tien died after Chaiotzu. Maybe it was a joke?

The animation was nice and goofy. It's a pretty accurate representation. My favorite part might have been when Vegeta was squished under his own tail. Any DBZ fan should enjoy this. I knew there'd be no (or little) dialogue.

Why isn't this its own series? It's freaking hilarious! I just now noticed the writing on the background. I thought you were going to say a 17 month old committed the shooting. Okay, that's impossible. It was the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote.

That came out way after the one that ended slavery! Women haven't had a hundred year history of slavery. That's the amendment that should have come out first. Oh yeah, babies would talk about dead babies. It kind of reminds me of "Creature Comforts".

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Thank you for watching and glad you enjoyed it!

Women got to vote right after we made alcohol illegal and just before we made it legal again. I'm not saying those two things have anything to do with the other but probably.

Of course it's okay to post whatever you want here. This website's motto is "Everything By Everyone". I admit to not knowing much about this Coppa effect. Still, this was a fun cartoon. I especially love the Spongebob bits. Seems like people are more into pokemon nowadays.

That's more parodied. That's still a great setup. I never did think about how many people work on these cartoons. I've never made one myself. Well, a cartoon at least.

Wow, a 4.54 for a cartoon only 7 seconds long?! Impressive! I admit I don't share the same ideology. Maybe if I found Tawna more attractive. I'm not into the whole furry thing. Except Rouge.

And Krystal. This was still animated nicely. It gets its laugh across. Glad to know everyone else loves it. I'm not familiar with this character as I haven't played the recent games.

I was quite impressed by this. It's interesting that you have a series with continuity. There's still lots of great jokes though! I love how it's called "Tournament Ark". It can be hard to keep up with such a long story. I still prefer the Cactaur and Tonberry series.

It's hard to keep the laughs up with such long episodes. Well, long by the standards here. You still keep the laughs up. Even the title's cool. I liked the little jokes, like the plot hole.

That was great! I admit that I wish your other series would come back. You know, the Tomorrows-Nobody series? That's what your name is, dude! I always find it funny talking babies are somehow dumb. I myself think about these things sometimes.

Like killing the billionares. It reminds me of "The Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe". Just kill all the literally powerful people to distribute the wealth. Don't have babies talk about diddling. NASA is mostly discredited nowadays.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Haha, maybe one day we'll get to do a Tomorrow's Nobodies reunion or something. For now, all of us have new projects in the works.

If you don't like babies talking about diddling probably don't watch the Jeffrey Epstein episode coming out in a few weeks.

I thought this was really funny! I especially love how Gold slaps people over and over. That fictional 10 joke was great too! Admit it, many people have thought the same thing. I especially love the goofy animation. I think my only complaint was that it's a little too long.

It's still a great parody. I liked seeing Cyndaquil kill and beat up pokemon. Wow, that sounds sick. It's still a great visual. I'm surprised this didn't win Daily Feature.

Okay, that's a pretty original joke. I will admit that it was too short. I was at first wondering why a cartoon made by you had only a 3.89. That's really low for you! This was still pretty good. I'm just used to seeing more story from you.

It's weird to not see any of your characters in this too. Well, it's fine for what it is. The animation's still great. It actually seems unique for you. That's hard to do.

Yeah, I feel bad for not knowing about this. I haven't watched "The Daily Show" in a long time. At least we still have "South Park" for news. I can see this happening. The Metoo hashtag has died out. There will always be cases like this.

Why are they called dumb babies? They can talk! Seems like Andrew's the dumb one. It's a great satire of monarchy. They should just dissolve it as it's authority in name only.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

The Papa John interview was like America's Prince Andrew interview. It is worth checking out at least highlights from the interview. It's really funny on its own.

Talking doesn't make you smart. In fact, most of the time I hear someone speak I just realize how dumb they are.

It's great to see this series continue. I loved the previously on segment. I mean, this really is developing into quite a story. I especially love Yotam and Fantasia's romance. I'm a shameless fan of shipping. I think something could go between these two.

Well, the real life Fantasia she's based on. You rarely get to number 19. Is this its own series? It definitely should be. Then again "There She Is!" doesn't even have its own page here.

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