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This was a good cartoon. The thing I did not understand about it was where it was really going. I have never heard of this "Attack On Titan". I imagine it's another anime. I thought you were going to go through various anime with this. I guess I'm being too whiney, because it is a well done cartoon.

The best thing is probably how good the animation is. That song (or rather parodies) never get old. It was nice to see parts of those fight scenes. It was, however, a bit too short. I think you could have had the full song, or was that the full song?

It had been awhile since I'd seen work from you guys. I seem to have forgotten your style, because this was unlike anything I've seen from you. It always helps to try something new. I really liked the animation in this. I just got the feeling it was really done in spirit. It's nice to see such a pleasant cartoon.

It's interesting to see the hope and sincerity put into this. I really like how it's devoted to someone. He must feel pretty good. The voices were really good too. I don't see why Markus is created as Original Creator when you both worked on this.

I did not think the animation was that good. The drawings shown on the menu looked so much better. It was a disappointment. I at least have to give you credit for apparently knowing what the movie is like. I did not see it. If I had, I could have had enjoyed this more.

It looks so most people liked it, although it does not have many views. The voices were pretty good. I think you could use some shading effects. It just makes it look better. It was pretty mediocre to me.

Soo-J responds:

I admit, I didn't put a whole lot of effort into the drawings. I kinda just saw the movie and immediately started working on this later that day. Also, when I made this, I didn't know much about using Flash at all; just the bare basics.

I personally think my voice acting could use a lot more work, but thank you for your compliment.

I really have to give this credit for being very full put together. The animation is just fantastic! I thought he was actually doing those things in real life. I imagine if he did, it would probably be even more entertaining. I've never played any of the GTA games. I know they're some of the most popular things ever.

I just liked to hear his yell at the end. It looks like anything could be boring after playing it so much. It's great to see such passion. I'll probably never buy a copy myself. I have reviews in place of that.

I liked it because I had no idea what was going to happen. The fact that he turned into a silly looking monkey really did make it. I knew something bad would happen to him. It just helps that monkeys are so funny. They are the ones with tails, in case you did not know the difference between them and apes. It helped that the animation flowed quite well.

Please don't make me feel sympathetic for PETA. Of course, humans turned into monkeys is different. I really liked that live-action stuff at the end. It's just so unexpected. Goofy shaky cam stuff always entertains me.

I thought this worked quite well as just a short little silly cartoon. At first, I thought it was going to have some violent ending because it seemed too pleasant. I really have been on the Internet too long. I loved how one guy was CGI while the other wasn't. You rarely see such a nice touch like that. All around, it was quite enjoyable.

Not much else to say about this. I guess I can't say you should make it more elaborate, because that wouldn't really work here. The title was kind of nice. I wouldn't have expected this to get such a high rating. The animation is still quite good.

Funny, I just reviewed another Halloween like movie. I thought this was fairly decent, but it did go on a bit too long. That may be the longest Easter Egg in proportion to the rest of the cartoon. This was all done with good animation. It's sad to see Bill Murray that old. My dad loves "Stripes" too!

I didn't like how you mocked candied corn. That stuff is delicious! It seems like everyone hates it but me. Yeah, there was a real shoddy Ghostbusters cartoon like that at the end. That's why the licensed one was called "The Real Ghostbusters".

InsulinpumpClock responds:

It's not really an Easter egg. More like an intermission. This year my parents gave out pretzels for Halloween. We have a new winner. It's better then coins though.

I can see why the rating is so high. I just loved this! It's kind of funny, considering the main character kind of looks like a marshmellow himself. I cared about it enough to not want him to get burned. I don't see how this is that much of a comedy.

It seems like it would be much more suited for an art film. That's probably what it would be labeled as. I'm sad to say I am not familiar with your earlier productions. I hope to be familiar with all of your work now! It's just done in very high spirits.

Yeah, I loved this. I think the best part is how you deliver your message so shortly. It seems like every popular drawn female character has boobs of some kind. Well, except for Twilight Sparkle. Hey, she has a big butt to make up for it. People can fill in the boobs anyway.

It helps that the animation is so good. The expressions are wonderful as well. While there isn't much detail, that certainly makes up for it. I don't know if I've ever seen a popular female character with boobs THAT big. I guess that could change.

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