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Dang, this was well animated. It was another appropriate thing for Halloween! I appreciate the music too. I thought this would be about "Twisted Metal" at first. I couldn't tell if she was drooling or vomiting. I assume with the hair, that's a she.

That cake in the middle looked the best. The actual "Sweet Tooth" title one didn't look all that appetizing. I'm sorry, it's just that we're all obsessed with cake. Nice brain too. A music video doesn't have to be that long, if that's what this was supposed to be.

I really like the animation! You know how to get someone in the Halloween spirit! It looks like she put teeth in there. I guess witch's potions can be whatever you want them to be. I think the music is very stylistic too. You use purple very well too.

It's short, but that doesn't matter. We get short stuff for Daily Feature all the time! The pot almost seems like a crystal ball. I assume a witch would do that too. I like how you can see his heart.

Wow, at first, I thought this was a reference to the Nostalgia Critic. I then realized you are obviously named Rob. Then I realized it was a reference to the Nostalgia Critic after all...I think. I thought this was hilarious! I'm surprised the score isn't higher. At least it got Daily 5th Place.

I loved the millions of years old joke. I guess he's at least 65 million. I appreciate the animation. The cop joke was great too. I'm glad I'm at least here to give this flash some love.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Thanks! And honestly, I forget what the Nostalgia Critic reference even means. I know one of the characters is named Rob, is that literally the name of the dinosaur mask they use? Cuz I've seen a bit of that, but I don't recall that one. Like I know I've seen the character in clips, but I guess never saw the original he was in. Dinosaur Rob is actually more a joke about how old I feel, so I figured I'd make myself a dinosaur and have him ramble about being a dinosaur everywhere he goes.

Spoopy? Sounds like Snoopy. Anyway, this was wonderful. At first, I thought the kid himself was supposed to be a ghost. I then realized it was in fact just a kid dressed up. That was why he was so scared of the real ghoul.

Oh, the title was meant to be like "Spooky". I like the gif this came with. It's probably an art submission here. This was just a really enjoyable little cartoon. As I now live in an apartment, I sadly don't get trick or treaters.

Wow, this was quite interesting. I will admit the lines could have been better. You credited a voice for just a brief sound? How interesting. I appreciate the little things going on. It's just a very good story.

Oh, a "Phantom Menace" reference that's actually positive! At least I think so. This was just a cute little cartoon. I didn't think it was experimental. It certainly had a story.

Snackers responds:

genres on NG are weird, I'm with ya I don't think it's very 'experimental either..

but it's not a drama, comedy or action thing either so it's all I could think to label it as

Wow, that was crazy! I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know those were vegetables. I thought they were balloons! I guess it was just a bit too disorganized. I still liked it!

The artwork was quite good. Damn, that's a high number! I guess it was a pretty optimistic cartoon. It was certainly unpredictable. There was only one pig on that island.

Wow, I was so impressed by this! At first, I was counting the kills as I usually do. I got up to 22 until I was like, "Just watch the cartoon". The best part was easily the designs. This seemed like something straight out of "Grand Theft Auto". I was amazed at how you kept up a story.

A bit late for Madness Day 2022, huh? Anyway, this can be enjoyed by anyone any time of the year. I didn't even notice how long it was. I really did admire this guy who kept on fighting even with his wounds. I'd love to see a Madness with Michael Myers in it. The shaved heads and chins made it look more realistic.

This was a fun little cartoon. I never heard of Hispanic Heritage Month. I especially loved how cheery she was. This reminded me of Diives. You know, something short meant to be goofy. It just wasn't about furries.

I like that stuff more. No, I'm not a furry...except for Rouge. I'm used to everything about October being about Halloween. I don't know what this word means. I don't even remember it in Spanish class.

She has to be based on the goldfish crackers. I saw that Harrison Ford movie. This really did have great animation. I thought she would have the golf ball as her friend. Instead, she just ate it. I don't know what goldfish crackers eat.

I'm glad she has the latest consoles. It's nice to know she isn't entirely bored. This was really random the more I think about it. Well, it was indeed crazyyyy. I wish it was longer, though.

Coward. Screw it, I'm not making my whole review that. It was a cute little ending, although I admit it could have been more epic. Epilogue?

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