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You can pause at 3:03 to read it. I'm not posting it all here! I love how you included a picture of yourself younger. It's weird how you always show yourself taking damage. We don't normally see your face! It's always great to see how many games you can review.

I never even played the original "Doom". I know this gameplay of course. I recognize those big red guys. I've played so many fan games. I was bound to come across them!

Wow, I should have seen it get really dark. As if dealing with dead animals isn't dark enough. I admit that I don't eat meat that often. This didn't change my mind. I heard pigs actually are pretty smart. I was thinking you'd show the pigs being killed.

It's worse to see humans being killed. Unless of course, you're a member of PETA. Is that human meat in your hot dog? The music suited it so well. I wasn't expecting that much in happen in such a short time.

SupraNova responds:

Glad you enjoyed!

Pimento reminds me of Satina. Satina is also similar to "Hezbin Hotel". Dang, there's just a lot of stuff like that nowadays. I loved this animation style so much. I don't know if Pimento is a he or she. I'll just say she.

She actually did what she wanted to do. She successfully stole a watch and broke it! It seems like some odd cardboard cutout style. It was like an extremely detailed "South Park" thing. If this is the pilot, imagine how great the show will be! It's completely worthy of a high score.

I thought this was a re-submission of your earlier one, but it was something different. That being said, it didn't come off as unique. It's still a fun little video. I just can't say "cartoon". I've never heard it being said as "snes". I always spelled it out.

If you only had a cat, you'd be the best user ever. I love the cardboard as always. It really is quite detailed. This should get its own section. Well, these videos don't have enough views.

I just loved the mood in this. You had actual charcoal for this? It actually kind of shows. I love how graceful this cartoon is. I guess some people expected more. I guess some people might view it was boring.

I thought it was nicely soft. You usually do darker stuff. You have so much love for your wife as well. I liked these little details everywhere. You even have such simple author's comments.

HeRetiK responds:

Yes, a big ole chunk of drawing charcoal! Most of what you see is inverted though, so I had to draw in the negative, which was fun in its own right.

Wow, that was truly bizarre. I guess I just thought the animation didn't look right. It's still a good cartoon. I especially liked how it was all about milk. I love milk so much. It kind of reminded me of FNF.

2:59 might have been the best part. This could have almost been an advert. While the animation can be distracting, it's at least unique. I'm glad to have come by it. Anything can become better from a pilot episode.

Damn, I never even heard of the game "BLOOD" game. I'm glad to learn about a brand-new game. I've seen so many parodies of games here, I thought I'd seen it all! I thought this might be a making of video. I guess I'm glad it wasn't. Not all your stuff is for kids after all!

Well, I don't know much about kids who play this game. It's more about me judging the game than this submission. It certainly looks like a very creative one. Obviously, there's influences than "Doom" and "Duke Nukem". I can see them in the tags.

This is bad, but so is your mom too. Seriously though, this did kind of entertain me with how silly it was. The sound was delayed. That just seems amateurish. Short things can still be funny. I'm glad to learn more about Hoss.

I think he needs more detail. There was at least some shading. It should probably be longer. This almost seems like something from a game. I guess he needed fingers.

KnievilKangaroo responds:

Yeah, it was poorly modeled mostly cus I thought it was funny (he did actually have fingers at one point but it looked awful lol)

I will confess the audio is quite hard to listen to and I hope to fix that when I'm less lazy

That was quite funny. I had no idea it would be so short. It's still very funny. We've seen great short cartoons. It just took me awhile to get into this. I kind of like Hoss, though.

He does seem like such a fat joke. Wow, and I thought Apu was offensive! Well, he destroyed the Earth, so what does it matter if he destroyed the Sun too? I'm sorry if I offended any Martians. It gets better the more I watch it.

I thought this would be your best submission, but I admit it was a bit too long. I was hoping to see the entire game being played out, given this submission's length. It was still great, though. It's always nice to see some behind the scenes stuff. I have never played the original Sonic games. I played some newer stuff, though.

I love how this isn't vulgar or anything. Most of us know video game reviewers through the Angry Video Game Nerd. Your dog's still cute. I've played "Ultimate Flash Sonic"! That's close enough!


Thanks buddy this is one of the older ones!, yes I like to make my videos (apart from maybe DOOM ect) child friendly, I want to educate the young on what they missed out on!

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